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  Re. M."warmingii"
From: Peter Randall <prandall at networx.com.au> on 1997.10.15 at 13:06:26(1435)
Re. Monstera "warmingii"

Nick, I think you will find that your M. "warmingii" is the same
tissue cultured junk plant that has been doing the rounds in Australia
for some years under the name of "Raphidophora freckles". (yes the
spelling is as good as the ID)

In recent years it also seems to have done the rounds of
collectors as M. "standleyana" but think you will find that it is
actually M. lechleriana.

From: "Nick Miller" <millern at wave.co.nz> on 1997.10.16 at 00:25:27(1441)
Hi Peter

Thanks for the information. I will go down to the greenhouse and add
yet another label to the pot. Isn't taxonomy wonderful? :) It's
actually quite an attractive plant - I must find out the original
source of it - they might know where it originated.

What sort of aroids do you grow?


Nick Miller

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