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A public thank you!
From: Steve at ExoticRainforest.com (ExoticRainforest) on 2008.04.22 at 17:52:53(17441)
This is a bit personal, but I wanted to make this thank you very public. Most of you are unaware I am in a wheelchair and can't do many of the things I once did. I have a bunch of friends who are International Aroid Soceity members and Teri and Richard Baber have been extremely kind. Several of those friends including Steve Marak and Bryan Stover live very close to me here in NW Arkansas. So I wanted to publicly thank Richard and Teri since they were here all day yesterday installing a new overhead watering system in my atrium. Teri also repotted almost all of my orchids! They came back today to finish the job which is extremely valuable to me! I am so thankful to have good IAS friends!
So a personal thank you to both Richard and Teri for all their help!
You should see the rain come down!
Steve Lucas
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