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  Coconut husks
From: Peter Randall <prandall at networx.com.au> on 1997.10.15 at 13:19:35(1436)
Re. Anthurium media and coconut husks.

Coconut husks are an excellent media to grow most Anthurium's but
it is essential that the husks be composted for at least twelve
months, eighteen is better. Little else is needed except slow release

From: plantnut at shadow.net (Dewey Fisk) on 1997.10.15 at 17:43:36(1438)
> Re. Anthurium media and coconut husks.
> Coconut husks are an excellent media to grow most Anthurium's

I agree that coconut husks are a good medium... However, watch out for
excessive water retention. Unless you have a lot of chard or someother
type of draining material in the bottom... You will get a lot of rot...
So, be careful of the water when using coconut husks.

From: "Julius Boos" <ju-bo at classic.msn.com> on 1997.10.16 at 00:42:43(1442)
Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 1997 9:19 AM
To: ju-bo@msn.com
From: "Julius Boos" <ju-bo at classic.msn.com> on 1997.10.16 at 00:50:24(1443)
Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 1997 1:43 PM
To: ju-bo@msn.com
From: "Jaime Rodriguez" <jaime at matnet.com> on 1997.10.16 at 14:12:12(1445)
Hello Aroiders,

Maybe I just have the luck of the ignorant. Last winter I came upon an
Anthurium Clarinervium with ripe seeds, so I harvested them. I germinated
them in moist paper towels in baggies and planted them in Pro-mix. They
are doing great. All this fuss about coconut husks is only relevant if you
have coconut husks handy. Last time I checked, global warming had not
proceeded enough for the coconuts that wash ashore here to take root.

I guess I am missing the fine points of the discussion. Are anthuriums
more difficult to raise than I have found them to be? Is there some
aesthetic reason that makes coconut husks a preferred choice?

I don't know how long it will take for my plants to mature and bloom. ( I
have 6) I hope to get more ripe seeds from the parent plant in a few more
months. Is there a mechanism within this list for sending seeds to share?

Jaime Rodriguez

From: Don Burns <burns at mobot.org> on 1997.10.16 at 15:20:53(1446)

If your Anthuriums are doing OK then leave 'em alone. I am growing
probably 70 species of Anthurium, none of which are in coconut stuff, and
they all do just fine, including A. clarinervium.


From: "David Constantine" <drc at globalnet.co.uk> on 1997.10.16 at 18:40:16(1447)
There's no need to get hung up about coconut husk for Anthurium. The main
point about the coconut husks relates to the natural growth habit of
Anthurium. Many Anthurium sp. grow naturally as epiphytes and their roots
are adapted to a highly aerated, relatively nutrient poor, wet but not
water-logged growing medium. This has implications for how to grow them
well. So, for example, commercial growers of Anthurium andraeanum cut
flowers (who have to grow their plants really well) use a very highly
aerated, very freely draining growing medium. But what an individual
grower will use will depend on where they are and what material is
available locally. Thus in Hawai'i growers tend to use volcanic cinders or
macadamia shells. In Mauritius they tend to use sugar cane trash. In
Holland they tend to use rockwool. In Trinidad & Tobago they tend to use
partially crushed coconut husks as mentioned by Julius Boos. The nature of
the substrate is not very important, the root environment is.

It's certainly possible to grow Anthurium in pots in compacted garden soil
(I think Dewey Fisk would call it 'dirt') but in my experience they look
pretty sick as compared to those growing in an aerated, freely draining

David Constantine

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