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  Anthurium 'Small Talk'
From: Mark Evans <LIBEVANS at ACS.EKU.EDU> on 1997.10.16 at 21:13:03(1448)

Does anyone know the parentage of Anthurium 'Small Talk'? I've got the
pink form of this cultivar that is fantastic. Small plant in a 3" pot
with six inflorescences. Flowers are of a very saturated "Pepto-Bismol"

Mark Evans

From: plantnut at shadow.net (Dewey Fisk) on 1997.10.17 at 03:16:58(1450)
>Does anyone know the parentage of Anthurium 'Small Talk'? I've got the
>pink form of this cultivar that is fantastic. Small plant in a 3" pot
>with six inflorescences. Flowers are of a very saturated "Pepto-Bismol"
Sounds like a very nice plant. I have looked in several of my catalogs and
do not see it listed. If you can give me some details on the source of
your plant - as far back as possible... I will recheck and delve further.
It sounds like one I would like to have in my collection...

From: Mark Evans <LIBEVANS at ACS.EKU.EDU> on 1997.10.17 at 20:29:51(1451)
Dewey, Carlo, et al.,

I got the Anthurium 'Small Talk' at a local grocery store earlier this
year. The tag stated that the plant is patented by Oglethorpe (or
Oglebee, can't remember) Laboratories. The spathe is upright as is the
spadix. The oldest bloom is over two months old and is just now showing
signs of aging.

From: SNALICE at aol.com on 1997.10.17 at 20:53:27(1452)
Dear Mark,
Where did you find 'Small Talk'??? 'Small Talk' and 'Hearts Desire' are
two I would like to find, but have only found them in a wholesale nursery.
In case anyone else is interested in some different Anthurium hybrids, and
other plants, here is the wholesale nursery that designs, propogates, then
sells them to wholesale nurseries. Oglesby - Product List . The only problem is how to find the
retail nurseries that the wholesalers sell to. You might be able to find out
something about their parentage through the nursery. It seems like they had
a bit of information about one of their plants, but I didn't see anything
about Small talk or Hearts Desire. I think you'll enjoy their web page.
'Hearts Desire' is the one I would like to find. If anyone comes up with a
source....please let me know?

Good luck,
Sue Zunino

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