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  Help Identifying Unknown Anthurium
From: "Jaime Rodriguez" <jaime at matnet.com> on 1997.10.21 at 14:04:10(1456)
Hello All,

I have just today encountered an anthurium with ripe seeds, but the label
says "unknown species." The leaves are 10 to 14 inches long, 2 inches
wide, very thick and firm, almost like a vanilla orchid vine. The spathe
is heart shaped, tiny, only about one inch across, and green. The
spadix is about four inches long, about an inch thick, covered in tiny,
bright red pointy berries. Any ideas?


Jaime Rodriguez

From: plantnut at shadow.net (Dewey Fisk) on 1997.10.21 at 20:14:25(1457)
>I have just today encountered an anthurium with ripe seeds, but the label
>says "unknown species." The leaves are 10 to 14 inches long, 2 inches
>wide, very thick and firm, almost like a vanilla orchid vine. The spathe
>is heart shaped, tiny, only about one inch across, and green. The
>spadix is about four inches long, about an inch thick, covered in tiny,
>bright red pointy berries. Any ideas?
>Jaime Rodriguez

Sounds like it could be Anthurium bakeri... Is there a chance that you can
put a picture of it on your Web site... Then, Dr. Croat could probably
give you a positive ID>

From: Tom Croat <croat at mobot.org> on 1997.10.21 at 20:24:23(1458)
Dear Jaime: If it has blackish dots on the lower surface it is probably
a member of A. section Porphyrochitonium. If not it might be A. eximium
Enger but your description is very unclear. Could you take a photo of
From: ERTELTJB at ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu on 1997.10.21 at 20:30:44(1459)
Jaime - From the description given, I would hazard a guess at Anthurium bakeri.
The infructesence description certainly matches, and thought the thickness of
the leaves sounds a bit much from my experience, the leaf shape and size
otherwise fits pretty well. From my memory, there are a fair number of
pictures of this species available, including some in both Tropica and Exotica,
the latter being in color, I think. Take a look. Hope that this helps, if
in no other way than to get others expressing ideas.
- Jonathan Ertelt

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