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  Pinellia tripartita - is it a weed?
From: "Nick Miller" <millern at wave.co.nz> on 1997.10.23 at 21:31:41(1476)
I recently purchased a plant of Pinellia tripartita, a charming
little aroid from Asia. However, on looking it up in Deni Bown's
book, I read that another species, P. ternata, "can spread rapidly
and verge on becoming a weed".

Before I let Pinellia tripartita loose in our garden I thought I should ask
whether anyone living in a mild-temperate climate (mild winters with little
frost, coolish summers) - perhaps the Pacific Northwest, has any
experience of this species. When I contemplate the weed species that
we already have in our garden (jasmine, ivy, Oxalis, ferns,
Alstroemeria, Tradescantia etc. etc.) I am reluctant to unleash
another one.

Nick Miller

From: Tony Avent <tony at plantdel.com> on 1997.10.23 at 23:38:34(1479)

We have grown P. cordata, P. pedatisecta, and P. tripartita for 8
years in our garden. We knew P. ternata was a weed and declined to plant
it. P. pedatisecta is now being banished from our garden, as it simply
spread too rapidly. P. tripartita has behaved wonderfully, and while it
reseeded some, it all stays near the mother plant. P. tripartita
'Atropurpurea' had reseeded very little...unfortunately. I wish I could
enourage P. cordata to spread, as it is absolutely stunning! I hope this helps.
Tony Avent

From: grsjr at juno.com (George R Stilwell, Jr.) on 1997.10.24 at 01:28:16(1481)

Pinellia tripartita is well behaved, not at all like P. ternata.


From: "Mr R.a McClure" <Rob.McClure at sci.monash.edu.au> on 1997.10.24 at 03:51:45(1485)

I am growing this plant just across the Tasman here in Melbourne.
As the others have said it is fairly well behaved and spreads
I nip the seed heads off just to reduce it's fecundity (say that
fast with a kiwi accent !).
It is a beaut. little plant for sure.

Rob ( It is 29degC here today and it's still only
October......... GROAN. )


From: "Carlo A. Balistrieri" <cabalist at facstaff.wisc.edu> on 1997.10.24 at 16:23:32(1496)
There's one in every crowd so I may as well own up to it. I've tried a
couple of Pinellias in pots (not the dread ternata) and lost them to rot. A
wet, cool fall was the culprit last year. If you can't get them in the
ground, make sure that the potting medium you use is well drained and
doesn't stay soggy.

As a matter of fact, most of the aroids I grow, indoors and out, are being
planted in a medium full of grit and/or bark, regardless of the species'
needs for moisture. Same with bulbs and other tubers. I've found that
recommended mixtures just don't work for me and need to be opened up
substantially. Although I am not a heavy handed waterer, I figure it is
easier to add more water when needed than to dry something out when its had
too much. I personally feel that the need for air at the
root/tuber/bulb/rhizome cannot be overstated.


From: plantnut at shadow.net (Dewey Fisk) on 1997.10.27 at 15:24:36(1503)
Carlo is right about the water... I added coir to the media in which I
potted Amorphophallus. Holds too much water and I had some rotten
tubers.... Never again!

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