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  Defending Pinellia ternata ???
From: "James W. Waddick" <jim-jim at swbell.net> on 1997.10.24 at 14:12:16(1490)
>Jim Waddick commented "I think you might try all the species with a
>warning on P. ternata (try it in a pot and don't mix soils or keep the
>pot near fertile ground)."
From: Tony Avent <tony at plantdel.com> on 1997.10.27 at 15:15:57(1501)

Have you ever see the giant acreage at Mobot that has been taken
over with pinellia? I saw this when I visited about 4 years ago. For us,
in our sandy soil it is NOT easy to pull out. It is only with a spading
fork that we can remove the weedy pinellias without them breaking off. In
clay soils, it would probably require miniature nuclear devices.
Tony Avent

From: nichollsgardens at juno.com (Diana Nicholls) on 1997.10.27 at 20:33:07(1517)
The beast does not pull from my clay soil. It just breaks off .
Digging it is not easy.

Diana Nicholls

From: "James W. Waddick" <jim-jim at swbell.net> on 1997.10.27 at 21:01:05(1522)
> Have you ever see the giant acreage at Mobot that has been taken
>over with pinellia? I saw this when I visited about 4 years ago. For us,
>in our sandy soil it is NOT easy to pull out. It is only with a spading
>fork that we can remove the weedy pinellias without them breaking off. In
>clay soils, it would probably require miniature nuclear devices.
>Tony Avent

From: Tom Croat <croat at mobot.org> on 1997.10.28 at 05:55:33(1533)
Tony: Petra informs me that out Pinellia is currently well behaved. We
have only a small patch of P. ternata and it is quite pretty. I have P.
pedatisecta at home and it does spread but I am praying that it will take
over my whole yard since I can't grow grass adequately there anyway!
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