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  Small Aroids
From: plantnut at shadow.net (Dewey Fisk) on 1997.10.24 at 16:06:40(1493)
Her's a couple more very small aroids... Anthurium bessei can be seen at:
and Caladium
humboldtii var. Marcel.. This is one of the prettiest.. and it only gets
about an inch or two high!!!!

From: Tom Croat <croat at mobot.org> on 1997.10.27 at 16:08:59(1507)
>Dewey: This is an unpublished name and I will get back to the list
about the correct spelling (I have to consult the rules) but I just
wanted to say that this plant which I am sure that you have seen at
Selby has dramatically changed in the past year. For years it was
dwarfed (Donna Atwood thinks it was due to an overdose of something) but
when I saw it recently it was many times larger, with leaf blades to ca
25 cm long. I am sure glad I was patient on this new species!
By the way if we really want to talk about small aroids we do
have to consider Lemna. While currently in the Lemnaceae molecular work
has shown that group to be practically inseparable from Pistia and the
Kew group will be proposing it to be subsumed within the Aroideae as a
close relative of Pistia.

From: SelbyHort at aol.com on 1997.10.27 at 20:12:34(1513)
Tom & Dewey,
I believe the correct spelling should be Anthurium besseae, in honor of Libby
From: "Carlo A. Balistrieri" <cabalist at facstaff.wisc.edu> on 1997.10.27 at 20:36:53(1518)
At 11:10 AM 10/27/97 -0500, you wrote:
>>Dewey: This is an unpublished name and I will get back to the list
>about the correct spelling (I have to consult the rules) but I just
From: Tom Croat <croat at mobot.org> on 1997.10.28 at 06:03:24(1534)
Carlo: The new species name that I was referring to was that of
Anthurium besseae Croat, a neat Anthurium sect. Cardiolonchium from
Bolivia which will be named in honor of Libby Besse in Sarasota.
From: Tom Croat <croat at mobot.org> on 1997.10.28 at 06:08:14(1535)
Donna: I concur. I consulted with Mike Grayum at beer on Friday and
that was his judgement.
From: plantnut at shadow.net (Dewey Fisk) on 1997.10.28 at 14:42:35(1537)
Another small one that is on the "Totally Magnificient" side of the
Araceae.... Homalomena pygmae. I thionk that is the right spelling. Dark
red foliage top and bottom very small little inflorescenses that have
creamy white spadix. Not the smallest mentioned but at about foru to six
inches high... It is a real beauty! I picked up one at the IAS meeting
last night!

From: "Carlo A. Balistrieri" <cabalist at facstaff.wisc.edu> on 1997.10.28 at 23:42:05(1546)
Thanks for the clarification. It's interesting that it could at one point
look so small and suddenly put on a growth spurt. In my limited experience,
Anthuriums have been fairly steady growers.


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