ps: I hope this makes it to the list. I posted a message on Friday to
this list and it didn't appear until this morning....???
Douglas Burdic
James W. Waddick wrote:
> Doug;
> I have had Arum italicum and maculatum in Kansas City (Zone 5/6)
> for years.
> A. orientale/nigrum seem as hardy, less so for dioscorides.
> Zantedeschia albo-maculata grew fine in the middle of th city near
> a concrete side walk. Lost it in the move to the north end of the city.
> However "Green Goddess" has survived but not flourished here. It did bloom
> the first year fom see started early.
> Helicodiceros - I don't know of a commercial source. I got mine
> through an Aroid-l offer last year. Two tubers -one now in the ground and
> one potted in a frost free site.
> Wonder if the one outside will survive. Anyone with any experience
> in Zone 5, 6, or 7?
> Any other hardy aroid comments?
> Best Jim W.
> James W. Waddick Voice: 816 746 1949
> 8871 NW Brostrom Rd E-MAIL:
> Kansas City MO 64152 Fax: 816 746 1939
> Zone 5/6 -
> Winter low -10°F
> Summer high +100°F