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  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
From: "Elizabeth Campbell" <desinadora at mail2designer.com> on 2008.12.25 at 16:40:04(18807)
Feliz Navidad y Prospero AÃ ±o Nuevo from Ecuador! May the new year bring new species!




From: ExoticRainforest <Steve at exoticrainforest.com> on 2008.12.25 at 21:01:37(18809)
Since Dr Croat now has a newresearch assistant in Ecuador I'm sure the new year will bring newspecies!
Beth, If you come across any info on my bullate leaved Philodendronsupposed collected near Limón, Ecuador I'd love to know more. I've begun to describe it according to the rules laid out by Dr. Croatin hopes he will be able to observe and collect it in the wild at somepoint in the future. But as you know, without the proper field notesthe plant cannot be scientifically described. Perhaps you can help tofill in the gaps, especially if it is purely an epiphyte, the maximumsize of the blades and the appearance of the inflorescence. The stemon my specimen is quite thick so I suspect the specimen I have is afield collected specimen and not one that was cultivated. For somereason the guys at Ecuagenera are suddenly very hesitant to provide anynew info!!

Good luck in your searches for new species! I'd love to be able to bethere to help.




From: ExoticRainforest <Steve at ExoticRainforest.com> on 2008.12.27 at 21:21:34(18812)
WhenI first received this note I didn't notice it was from Aroid l andassumed incorrectly it came directly from Beth For those of you whodon't know, Beth Campbell is an "aroid nut" living in Ecuador and sheand I have exchanged quite a few notes. I sent photos to Beth of a newPhilodendron I now have in hopes she might be able to learn moreabout the habitat, adult size and any other notes on the plant, thus mynote which I assumed incorrectly went directly to Beth.

Bethhas located a beautiful new Anthurium species (possibly morethan one) which has yet to be described that she brought to Tom'sattention. The plant has ornate leaves that are roughly cordate/ovatewith a spathe that is yellowish trimmed in burgundy/pink and a andbeautiful spadix that is on the pink side as well. Beth, if possibleplease post your photos since I have a feeling a lot of Anthuriumcollectors would love to eventually have a specimen.

SinceI ran off at length about my unidentified Philodendron collectednear Limón, Ecuador I thoughtsome of you Philodendron nuts might like to see the plant whichappears to be an unidentified species according to Dr. Croat. Iacquired the plant at the September IAS show in Miami directly fromEcuagenera and immediately took it to Tom for a possible I.D. Dr.Croat examined my specimen and does not appear to believe this Philodendron has been identified to science. Limón is betweenQuito and Guayaquil. Although I've tried to gain moreinformation on exactly where the plant was collected, to date I knowlittle.

My Philodendron appears to be a climbing vine withbullate (puffy) slightly coriaceous pendent leaves. The petioles areshallowly "C" shaped and the total length of the blade and petioleis approximately 3 feet (90cm). The petioles alone are about 12 inches(30cm) and the blades are presently around 24 inches (60cm). The midrib of the leaf is sulcate and has numerous parallel grooves and theupper blade (adaxial surface) is highly glossy while the underside(abaxial surface) is matte. The underside of the blade is bicolorous. The stem of the plant is approximately 1.5 inches (3.8cm) thick and haswhat appears to be pubescence (hair). To date, the plant has not addedany new leaves so I do not know anything about the cataphylls nor hasit produced an inflorescence. Ecuagenera brought only one specimen ofthis plant to the show so I am not certain if anyone else has acquireda specimen although I suspect at least one other exists in southernCalifornia. I have given two smaller cuttings to two other seriouscollectors in Florida in hopes they can grow the plant to its full sizequicker than I can in an artificial rain forest environment in NWArkansas.

I'vebegun to collect as detailed notes as possible and in March or Aprilplan to take the specimen to Dr. Croat in St. Louis for futherexamination. It is my hope he will be able to observe the specimen inthe wild and eventually publish the plant as a species. You can seethe plant in my photos attached. If anyone else has this plant I'dlove to hear from you privately.

Ihope all of you have a great holiday season!

Steve Lucas



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