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  Aroid breeding problems+ Anthurium specific issues
From: brian lee <lbmkjm at yahoo.com> on 2009.01.10 at 19:30:35(18882)
Dear Aroid-l


I have some large growing Anthurium...no data, so I do not know if they are species or hybrids. They are beautiful. I do not want to hybridize them in case they are species, so I have attempted to self them. Does anyone have any tips for collecting the spare pollen and then, is there a preferred method of storage? I can barely get any pollen from the spadixes and a goodly amount tends to fall away. These are planted in a landscape, so I do not have the luxury of being indoors in a wind free environment. Some of the spadixes seem to set fruit, only to have them abort soon after. All advice would be gratefully received.



From: "Windy Aubrey" <exotics at hawaii.rr.com> on 2009.01.10 at 21:40:31(18884)
Aloha Leland,

I would be happy to come by and see if I could help in identifying the
unnamed Anthuriums you are growing, and offer some advise regarding their


From: brian lee <lbmkjm at yahoo.com> on 2009.01.11 at 09:00:34(18892)
Dear Windy,


I would love the help. I have been extremely busy lately, traveling and working, so give a call to set up a meeting. Sundays seem to be the best, but this is not always the case.



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