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Sender: jbauer <"jbauer@concordnc.com"@concordnc.com>
Subject: Re: Elephant Ears
Hi Jean,
I grow elephant ears here in zone 7 near Charlotte NC.
My elephant ear root systems sounds like yours. They can no longer form
a bulb like their natural longer growing conditions. I dig most of mine
and let them dry in my den in grocery paper bags, not plastic. Leave
them there until next spring.
My elephant ears grow huge each year placed in the garden pool water
fall. They are in the garden pool mainly to take up the fish waste.
Happy gardening.
Judy Bauer
A quote:
“Don't waste time trying to break a man's heart; be satisfied if you can
just manage to chip it in a brand new place.”
Jean Carpenter wrote:
> I garden in zone 6, southern Missouri. For years I have grown the elephan=
> ears but never have dug them up and tried to save them over the winter.
> This year I decided to try it. I dug them up but there was no bulb. There
> were a lot of roots all around the base of the plant but when I planted
> them, I planted a round hard bulb. What do I try to save? Where did the
> bulb go? Do I need to repot them and bring them in or just put them in
> sawdust like they are? I would appreciate any help you could give me on
> this subject.
> My e-mail address is: backhoe@scan.missouri.org
> My name is Jean Carpenter. Thank you in advance if you can be of help.