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  Acorus tatorinowii ???
From: Matyas Buzgo <buzgo at systbot.unizh.ch> on 1997.10.29 at 15:20:46(1553)
Dear Mike, Dear James

Two species of Acorus are accepted: A. calamus and A. gramineus (Röst
1978). In A. calamus three caryotypes are distinguished (Wulf 1954):
The diploid form Acorus calamus var. americanus from N-America and Siberia;
the sterile, triploid A. calamus var. calamus (syn. vulgaris) spreading
from Europe to temperate India (Wulf 1954) ; A. calamus var. angustatus is
found in E-SE-Asia and it differs by tetraploidy. Morphological differences
occur between caryotypes as well as within caryotypes (Bown 1987, pers.
observation). Further, the taxa of Acorus differ slightly in the
composition of secondary metabolites, especially the occurrence of
b-asarone in diploid races (Röst 1978, Evstatieva et al. 1996).

From: Krzysztof Kozminski <kk at netgate.net> on 1997.10.30 at 03:00:34(1556)
On Wed, 29 Oct 1997, Matyas Buzgo wrote:
> If you have any reference for A. tatorinowii, please tell us

You can't find it unless you speak Polish :-) I never heard of A.
tatorinowii, but the species name sounded similar to Polish name for
A.calamus, except appeared misspelled (the word is tatarak), so I fired up
AltaVista in search for 'tatarinowii' which seemed more correct, and guess
what - 23 hits.

See, e.g.:


I must be one lucky punk today, since there appears to be no reason for
the similarity of names :-)

Krzysztof Kozminski

From: grsjr at juno.com (George R Stilwell, Jr.) on 1997.10.30 at 22:42:31(1564)
Matyas and Krzysztof,

A. tatarinowii Schott is listed in the AEG Arisaema species list
which can be seen on Roy Herold's
Arisaema page .

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