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Philodendron help-how to save this cutting
From: "Ron Weeks" <ronweeks518 at bellsouth.net> on 2009.03.09 at 17:50:23(19175)
Mildew is the only thing I grow indoors. Perhaps someone will offer help
for Carol's philodendron.
...Ron Weeks
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I am not an aroid hobbyist, but for many years I had tried to locate a
variety of philodendron that I had in the sixties. I succeeded in finding
one straggly one last year in a store that has since gone out of business,
and was I nursing it along. I was recently in the hospital, and lost the
whole plant except for one spindly stem with one leaf. I desparately need
some advice on how to save it, since none of the greenhouses or
horticulturists around here have ever heard of it. Right now I have it
suspended with the stem joint under water and the single leaf sticking out
of the water. It was called a blushing pholodendron when I first had it,
- just a standard heart shaped leaf, but with a red underside and the
upper surface extremely finely beaded so it looks satiny rather than
shiny. Do you have any members that I could contact or advice about how
to save this poor little remnant? ( rooting procedure, fertilizer, best
soil type, etc) It would be heartbreaking to me to lose it. It must be
a rather hard to grow variety, because it didn't grow much at all, whereas
the standard philodendron on the same shelf . grew like crazy. Would
setting up a small terrarium for it be a good idea or would it make it
rot? Any help would be sincerely appreciated.
Carol Ross
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