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  Acorus tatorinowii continued
From: "James W. Waddick" <jim-jim at swbell.net> on 1997.10.30 at 05:35:58(1562)
Dear Aroid-L;
Did a quick check through my Chinese books and find that The
"Iconographia ..." (a sort of reader's digest condensed Flora of China)
calls A. tatorinowii a synonym of A. gramineus.
A Dictionary of Chinese Flora list Acorus with four species, but
only discusses the 2 in China (gramineus and calamus).

A look at inventories shows A. tatorinowii in the collections of
the Hangzhou and Nanjing Botanical Gardens. With MBG's close ties to
Nanjing , Tom C. could snap up a plant in moments, I'd bet.

The truth is out there.

Jim W.

From: "Dr. Guanghua Zhu" <gzhu at LEHMANN.mobot.org> on 1997.11.05 at 03:49:07(1578)
Okay, here is the deal. Hope that I can help a little bit on the subject.
I am co-authoring the genus Acorus with Prof. Li Heng for the English
Flora of China. So far, I have seen quite a few specimens of the genus.
Prof. Li recorgnizes four species in China:

A. calamus
var. calamus
var. verus
A. tatarinowii
A. rumphianus
A. gramineus

Acorus tatarinowii stands out well from A. gramineus in the herbarium. Of
course, whenever I have an inflorescence. I do have problems to tell A.
tatarinowii from A. rumphianus. But I need to convince Prof. Li that they
should be the same. Cheers,


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