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  Aroids in terrariums
From: jahalve at mhtc.net (Jean Halverson) on 1997.11.02 at 03:49:29(1567)
ERTELTJB@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu wrote:

> I grow a majority of my plants in terrariums, along with several frogs

I confess that my interest in Aroids so far has been confined to Arisaema but the
ongoing discussion of tiny aroids (I have a small house) and especially growing them in
a terrarium opens new possibilities. I have a cracked aquarium 20 in (51 cm) wide and
12 (31) tall and deep. Do you have any suggestions about which aroids I could grow in
it and the soil mix needed? Do you cover the terrarium with glass or just screen to
keep your frogs home?

Jean Halverson Wisconsin Zone 5a

From: "Carlo A. Balistrieri" <cabalist at facstaff.wisc.edu> on 1997.11.03 at 04:18:10(1568)
>ongoing discussion of tiny aroids (I have a small house) and especially
growing them in
>a terrarium opens new possibilities.

Since I started this topic, I volunteer to put the responses on miniature
aroids together into one message for everyone to save instead of 18 or 20.
If anyone else has nominations for the list of little ones, send them to me
so they can be included.


From: "Julius Boos" <ju-bo at classic.msn.com> on 1997.11.03 at 14:49:00(1569)
Sent: Sunday, November 02, 1997 11:18 PM
To: ju-bo@msn.com
From: "Carlo A. Balistrieri" <cabalist at facstaff.wisc.edu> on 1997.11.03 at 20:26:14(1570)
>Dear Carlo,
>Please include me on the list, as though I do not as yet have a terrarium, it
>is something that I always have wanted to do.

Sorry about the confusion...the list is for the plants! When I'm done
compiling it'll be sent to Aroid-L for everyone.

Send me the names of your favorite little aroids!


From: ERTELTJB at ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu on 1997.11.03 at 22:39:18(1571)
Jean asked about aroids which are suitable to terrarium growth, and as I have
suggested in several other posts about terrarium growth ( on other lists ),
the size of terrarium or plant case, along with how much you want to fool with
it/replant it/disturb it are major factors to consider. One of Dewey's favs.,
Caladium humboldtii 'Marcel' is doing real well for me. There are also
several smaller Anthurium species (collected, species unknown), an unknown
and unflowered species which I think is in the genus Stenospermation, several
smaller cultivars in the genus Homalomena which do well in smaller conditions.
I have a plant that very closely resembles Anthurium clidemioides (sp?) that is
a wonderful terrarium species with incredible leaves. Alocasia reversa stays
small enough that it is proving a good mid-sized terr. plant, and several other
smaller Alocasias are also good. I also grow a stay-small species of
Syngonium which I don't think has ever been named - I received a piece of it
from the Marie Selby Gardens many years ago - dark-velvet green with a silvery
mid-rib; it grows a half-dozen leaves or so, and then stem with occasional
nodes for a foot or so before leaves resume or new shoots start. There are
lots of possibilities for ones that stay fairly small. And, of course, if you
don't mind redoing your terratium once or twice a year, you can go with many
others as well if you get starts or seedlings, because it takes them a while
to get established. Then again, once they are established, when you go to
pull them out you discover root systems several feet long running under all the
soil in the terrarium - I try not to go that route myself.
I hope that this helps answer the question. There are those who just
dump a Philodendron or Pothos into a terrarium with some water and gravel
when they're raising frogs - as you can tell by the listing above, that is not
the kind of "effort" that I have in mind when I talk about terrariums and
plant cases. Good Growing to all.
- Jonathan

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