IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

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 This is a continuously updated archive of the Aroid-L mailing list in a forum format - not an actual Forum. If you want to post, you will still need to register for the Aroid-L mailing list and send your postings by e-mail for moderation in the normal way.

  New to AROID-L
From: "Malkmus, Bjorn" <malkmus at verwaltung.uni-mainz.de> on 1997.11.06 at 16:32:00(1584)
Hello Aroiders,

being new to this mailing list I would like to introduce me in a few
My name is Bjorn Malkmus, I am living in Frankfurt/Germany, studying
Business Adminstration and dedicating most of my free time
cultivating all kind of plants, indoors and outdoors (especially
Crassulaceae, Cactaceae and various genus' from the Lily family).
Since quite some time I am cultivating some species of Aroids,
yet I have never put too much attention on them since at my
university (University of Mainz) an Amorphophallus titanum flowered
about two years ago. Impressing is almost an inproper word, it
was just fascinating. Furthermore since this was the
first A. titanum in the world, raised from a tissue culture, which
flowered (so I was told from a biologist). The next opportunity to
see an inflorescence was at the Botanical Garden of the City of
Frankfurt last year (Palmengarten der Stadt Frankfurt). Currently
they are cultivating 2 adult plants of this specie and a large
quantity of younger specimen propagated in vitro (tissue culture).
That is when I started to gather some more information about this
family. I have to admit that my scientifical knowledge is still
at a medium level, however all of the species in my cultivation
are thriving better with every other year, reproducing themselves
faster as I can manage to provide more space for them (e.g. this year
alone I got 70 small corms of Arisaema triphyllum, raised from

As I would like to exchange some of these 'excessive' specimen, here
is what I can offer:
Arum elongatum
Arum italicum
Arum maculatum
Arisaema triphyllum (~. A. atrorubens)
Dracunculus canariense
Sauromatum venosum

I am looking especially for any specie of the following genus':
Amorphophallus, Arisaema, Arum, Sauromatum (if there is any
other cultivated than S. venosum) and Dracunulus vulgaris. If there
is anyone who would like to make such an exchange, please contact me
(Living within Europe would make this a lot easier, though
it is possible with the States, too, as exportation of the species I
cultivate, does not require CITES. By the way: I raised all of the
species mentioned above either from seeds or from stock I was given
from Botanical Gardens in Germany, except the D. canariense, from
which I took seeds and extracted 7 corms from the wild 3 years ago,
taken out of the area of a forthcoming 'proyecto de urbanizacion' on
the Canary Islands. Those of you who speak Spanish will know what
this means in effect. Since that I have been there a couple of
times again and I regret not to have taken all of them. Not a single
plant survived. In general local habitats of this specie
are declining rapidly due to excessive construction. From 20 habitats
I discovered the first time I went to the islands (mainly Tenerife
and Gran Canaria), only 12 still exist after only 8 years. No

Greetings from Germany

Bjorn Malkmus

From: Don Martinson <dmartin at post.its.mcw.edu> on 1997.11.06 at 20:56:05(1588)
>My name is Bjorn Malkmus, I am living in Frankfurt/Germany, studying
>Business Adminstration and dedicating most of my free time
>cultivating all kind of plants, indoors and outdoors ...
>As I would like to exchange some of these 'excessive' specimen, here
>is what I can offer:
>Arum elongatum
>Arum italicum
>Arum maculatum
>Arisaema triphyllum (~. A. atrorubens)
>Dracunculus canariense
>Sauromatum venosum

I have already resonded to Bjorn privately, regarding his offer, but can
anyone give me any other information regarding Arum elongatum?

Don Martinson

From: grsjr at juno.com (George R Stilwell, Jr.) on 1997.11.06 at 22:53:28(1590)

Peter Boyce says in "The Genus Arum", "This attractive species... is
seldom seen in cultivation. ......A. elongatum is easily grown and
perfectly hardy. All that is required is a moist sunny position."

Native to the Balkans, northern Greece, northern Turkey. The spathe limb
is a bicolored rich maroon-purple and smells like dung. I guess I ought
to grow it because I'm always buying that stuff at the garden center.


From: "Carlo A. Balistrieri" <cabalist at facstaff.wisc.edu> on 1997.11.07 at 18:54:01(1595)
At 04:56 PM 11/6/97 -0600, you wrote:
>Peter Boyce says in "The Genus Arum", "This attractive species... is
>seldom seen in cultivation. ......A. elongatum is easily grown and
>perfectly hardy...

Don't you hate it when they say this? (Sorry Peter!)


From: SNALICE <SNALICE at aol.com> on 1997.12.06 at 22:42:30(1715)
Dear Bjorn,
A while back you sent a note to the Aroid list asking for several varieties
of Aroids. Were you able to aquire any new varieties of Aroids? I have a few
small bulbils of several species you were asking about and was wondering if
you were still interested in trading. I would need to know if you can send
bulbs or seeds to California, USA.
The varieties I have available are:

Amorphophallus konjak.....1 small

Note: this is a very old post, so no reply function is available.