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  Bog Gardens - Aroids which will thrive in one?
From: "William M. Groth" <groth at rice.edu> on 1997.11.14 at 23:43:54(1619)
Hello Aroidians,

I read about an effort to set up a bog garden and I was wondering
if I might be able to do the same in an old 20 gal. aquarium I have which is
outside and cracked glass in back (casualty of the cold snap we had last year.
It has a base of old aquatic plants in it to form what could be classified as
a miniature bog. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how to develop a bog
garden and especially what species of Aroids would thrive in a bog garden.

I am in Houston, TX zone 9a Upper Texas Gulf Coast.

From: Lester Kallus <lkallus at earthlink.net> on 1997.11.17 at 15:11:15(1623)
Consider planting the plants in soil that has been laced with a water
retentive gel. Those are compounds that start out like grains of sand but
blow up to marble sized blobs of jello. That way, the bog garden would be
a muddy area in the middle of regular garden. It might give you a much
larger bog garden than you could otherwise arrange.

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