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  Images of my A. titanum
From: markdim at azstarnet.com (Mark A. Dimmitt) on 1997.11.26 at 15:53:39(1661)
A few months ago I asked this group what to do with my titanum which will
soon be taller than my greenhouse. I didn't get any viable solutions, but
I'm safe for another year. The new leaf of the larger plant is touching the
roof of my nine-foot greenhouse. The smaller one divided into two corms
again and both are much smaller than the bigger one. Krzysztof Kozminski
put four images of the leaf expansion on his page and on the MoBot aroid site:


(Thanks, Krzysztof)

What to do for the next cycle in about 15 months? Perhaps I can maintain it
at this size by not potting up, but this goes against my grain. I'm into
pushing everything to its limits, even if it exceeds my own! I have a
14-foot tall greenhouse, but it isn't cooled and I've found that these
plants collapse after several weeks at 110+ degrees F. Tom Gibson told me
that titanum can flower at the size of my bigger plant; can anyone
corroborate this? I'd love to see it flower before I send it to greener

From: Krzysztof Kozminski <kk at netgate.net> on 1997.11.26 at 18:17:47(1664)
On Wed, 26 Nov 1997, Mark A. Dimmitt wrote:
> A few months ago I asked this group what to do with my titanum which will
> soon be taller than my greenhouse. I didn't get any viable solutions, but
> I'm safe for another year. The new leaf of the larger plant is touching the
> roof of my nine-foot greenhouse. The smaller one divided into two corms
> again and both are much smaller than the bigger one. Krzysztof Kozminski
> put four images of the leaf expansion on his page and on the MoBot aroid site:
> http://ng.netgate.net/~kk/Araceae/Amorphophallus/titanum.A.html

OOPS. I think that I led Mark to believe that I already shipped the
images to Mobot for installing, while actually this task is still waiting
for completion - my IP has some problems and as of right now I cannot ftp

Also, if anyone has problems connecting to the URL above (the server on
ng.netgate.net refusing connections), please try later today - this is
another facet of the same malfunction on my server.

Note: this is a very old post, so no reply function is available.