IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

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 This is a continuously updated archive of the Aroid-L mailing list in a forum format - not an actual Forum. If you want to post, you will still need to register for the Aroid-L mailing list and send your postings by e-mail for moderation in the normal way.

From: Kevin Martyn <n9730000 at cc.wwu.edu> on 1997.12.02 at 05:09:17(1680)
Hello everyone!
I've done nothing but lurk on this list for the past few months but
lately I've been shooting my mouth off about aroids in my plant anatomy
class. The topic of abscission came up and dicots stole the show. My
monocot questions and comments, particularly about the formidable
protective layer generated by bulbous aroids (e.g.Amorph., Dracunculus,
Sauromat.), earned me an appointment to find out the anatomical
differences, if any, between the abscission zones of dicots and
monocots. Does anyone know if, in aroids, a true separation layer forms?
If so, does it form just before senescence or does it differentiate
early? What kinds of substances are used to block tracheary elements?
Any particular anatomical differences?

Thanks for any help!
Kevin Martyn

From: "Jane M. Whitehill" <whitehil at mobot.org> on 1997.12.02 at 14:44:25(1687)
Dear Kevin,

I'm really glad you raised this question because it's been on my
mind since I saw multiple Philodendron giganteum inflorescences in Puerto
Rico which on gross observation seemed to form some zone from which
the post-anthesis structure breaks off.

Notice how careful I am not to say abscission layer cause I just
don't know what's going on physiologically.

I'd very much like to hear from other people too.

Jane Whitehill

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