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Joep Moonen and I hope to see you in St. Louis on
From: ExoticRainforest <Steve at ExoticRainforest.com>
on 2010.04.21 at 23:03:28(20895)
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From: ExoticRainforest <Steve at ExoticRainforest.com> on 2010.04.21 at 23:03:28(20896)
I have had the great pleasure of spending the week with my good friendJoep Moonen from French Guiana. As most of you know, Joep is a verywell known naturalist with a number of books to his credit and a fairlylong list of plant species named in his honor. Joep has been our guestsince Saturdayafternoon and we have been editing his new book as well as working onseveral other projects important to him. We will leave tomorrowmorning for St. Louis for the IAS MidAmerica meeting on Saturday. Ihope to see some of you there!
The photo was taken today in our atrium. Keep up the great exchanges.
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