IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

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 This is a continuously updated archive of the Aroid-L mailing list in a forum format - not an actual Forum. If you want to post, you will still need to register for the Aroid-L mailing list and send your postings by e-mail for moderation in the normal way.

  VIII International Aroid Conference
From: Don Burns <burns at mobot.org> on 1997.12.15 at 18:56:07(1757)

The list processor is in a very bad mood today and has resisted all
attempts to post a note from Tom Croat. It finally has spit out a pretty
messy version of Tom's note, but I thought it appropriate to resend it
with this introductory explanation and all the listproc garbage removed.

Apologies to Tom for the botched message. His note is below.

Don Burns Plantation, FL USA Zone 10b

From: "Dr. Tom Croat" tcroat at LEHMANN.MOBOT.ORG> on 1999.08.23 at 01:40:36(3592)
Dear Aroiders:

I want to thank all of you who attended the VIII International Aroid
Conference recently in St. Louis both for your willingness to come from
such long distances but also for your excellent participation in the
discussions, poster viewings, etc. This was clearly the most successful
Aroid Conference ever held with the vast majority of the world's Aroiders
in attendance. I was very pleased with the large attendance and I hope
that all of you found it a profitable experience. I only regret that I
was not able to spend more time with each of you. It was a profound
experience for me with barely a 30 second interval free to think. I found
myself getting up in the middle of the night to work on my presentations
because I also had a house full of guests which took up most of my normal
waking hours. I know that many of you took pictures during the conference
and I am hopeful that you might be willing share your pictures with me. I
normally take a lot of slides to document these conferences and have
simply because of my longevity and because I like to take picures
become an unofficial arquivist for the IAS and for the conferences. So it
was especially painful for me to be unable to spend more time taking
pictures during my own conference. I will gladly pay for copying and
mailing of any pictures that you would be willing to forward to me and I
thank you very kindly for any halp that you can lend.


Note: this is a very old post, so no reply function is available.