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This is a continuously updated archive of the Aroid-L mailing list in a forum format - not an actual Forum. If you want to post, you will still need to register for the Aroid-L mailing list and send your postings by e-mail for moderation in the normal way.
Steve Lucas
From: Zach DuFran <zdufran at wdtinc.com> on 2011.01.14 at 03:34:23(21741)
Aroid friends-
Steve Lucas, a great member of the International Aroid Society, passed away this morning. Many members and plant enthusiasts all over the world have known Steve, as he loves to correspond with people about plants. He had a great passion for plants and loved
to share his hobby with others. For the last several years he has been a huge advocate for the IAS and has had great visions for seeing the society grow. He took it upon himself to personally welcome each new member and learn about their personal interests.
He will be greatly missed by many.
Zach DuFran
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A note from Steve's daughters:
The funeral will be held this Sunday, January 16, in Siloam Springs, Arkansas at the Backstrom-Pyeatte Funeral Home at 2. The address is 1401 E. Main Siloam Springs, AR 72761.
In lieu of flowers we know our dad would appreciate donations sent to the Missouri Botanical Gardens. He loved this place and I know that he would much rather have your gifts sent there. Please pray for our mother Janice and brother Brad at this time. They
have a long road ahead.
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From: "Marek Argent" <abri1973 at wp.pl> on 2011.01.14 at 13:39:14(21742)
I'm shocked. Yesterday I was reading and linking his pages.
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----- Original Message -----
From: Zach DuFran
To: aroid-l@gizmoworks.com
Sent: Friday, January 14, 2011 4:34 AM
Subject: [Aroid-l] Steve Lucas
Aroid friends-
Steve Lucas, a great member of the International Aroid
Society, passed away this morning. Many members and plant enthusiasts all over the world have known Steve, as he loves to correspond with people about plants. He had a great passion for plants and loved to share his hobby with others. For the last several years he has been a huge
advocate for the IAS and has had great visions for seeing the society grow. He took it upon himself to personally welcome each new member and learn about their personal interests. He will be greatly missed by many.
Zach DuFran
A note from Steve's daughters:
The funeral will be held this Sunday, January 16, in Siloam Springs, Arkansas at the Backstrom-Pyeatte Funeral Home at 2. The address is 1401 E. Main Siloam Springs, AR 72761. In lieu of flowers we know our dad would appreciate donations sent to the Missouri Botanical
Gardens. He loved this place and I know that he would much rather have your gifts sent there. Please pray for our mother Janice and brother Brad at this time. They have a long road ahead.
Aroid-L mailing list
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From: "Nancy Greig" <ngreig at hmns.org> on 2011.01.14 at 14:41:49(21743)
Oh NO! I am so, so sorry to hear this sad news. Steve is the reason I joined the Aroid society. He was an amazing person, full of enthusiasm and warmth as well as knowledge. I will miss him very much.
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Nancy Greig
Director, Cockrell Butterfly Center
Houston Museum of Natural Science
One Hermann Circle Drive
Houston, TX 77030-1799
tel 713-639-4742
fax 713-639-4788
-----Original Message-----
From: aroid-l-bounces@www.gizmoworks.com on behalf of Zach DuFran
Sent: Thu 1/13/2011 9:34 PM
To: aroid-l@gizmoworks.com
Subject: [Aroid-l] Steve Lucas
Aroid friends-
Steve Lucas, a great member of the International Aroid Society, passed away this morning. Many members and plant enthusiasts all over the world have known Steve, as he loves to correspond with people about plants. He had a great passion for plants and loved to share his hobby with others. For the last several years he has been a huge advocate for the IAS and has had great visions for seeing the society grow. He took it upon himself to personally welcome each new member and learn about their personal interests. He will be greatly missed by many.
Zach DuFran
A note from Steve's daughters:
The funeral will be held this Sunday, January 16, in Siloam Springs, Arkansas at the Backstrom-Pyeatte Funeral Home at 2. The address is 1401 E. Main Siloam Springs, AR 72761. In lieu of flowers we know our dad would appreciate donations sent to the Missouri Botanical Gardens. He loved this place and I know that he would much rather have your gifts sent there. Please pray for our mother Janice and brother Brad at this time. They have a long road ahead.
Aroid-L mailing list
From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Genevi=E8ve_Ferry?= <jpcferry2 at wanadoo.fr> on 2011.01.14 at 18:09:06(21744)
I didn 't have time to answer the last email that Steve sent me on 12 ...
I have read several times the announcement of the death and I have used the translator to be sure to understand.
Yes, that is very brutal and Steve will be greatly missed.
I imagine Lynn, Julius, Patricia and all the other friends who welcome Steve. They have many things to talk about: new discoveries aroids, the culture of a particular plant, Etc ,....
Sincere condolences to his family
Geneviève Ferry
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From: Zach DuFran
Sent: Friday, January 14, 2011 4:34 AM
To: aroid-l@gizmoworks.com
Subject: [Aroid-l] Steve Lucas
Aroid friends-
Steve Lucas, a great member of the International Aroid Society, passed away this morning. Many members and plant enthusiasts all over the world have known Steve, as he loves to correspond with people about plants. He had a great passion for plants and loved to share his hobby with others. For the last several years he has been a huge advocate for the IAS and has had great visions for seeing the society grow. He took it upon himself to personally welcome each new member and learn about their
personal interests. He will be greatly missed by many.
A note from Steve's daughters:
The funeral will be held this Sunday, January 16, in Siloam Springs, Arkansas at the
Backstrom-Pyeatte Funeral Home at 2. The address is 1401 E. Main Siloam Springs, AR 72761. In lieu of flowers we know our dad would appreciate donations sent to the Missouri Botanical Gardens. He loved this place and I know that he would much rather have your gifts sent there. Please pray for our mother Janice and brother Brad at this time. They have a long road ahead.
Aroid-L mailing list
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From: brian lee <lbmkjm at yahoo.com> on 2011.01.14 at 18:23:07(21745)
Dear Aroid world,
Aloha ("In the presence of the breath of life").
Steve Lucas was a good friend of mine and his death is a great personal loss. The IAS will not easily fill his shoes. His passion for plants and the IAS was unparalleled. He had the time and drive to push the IAS to expand their membership base. It always amazed me that he could grow so many plants in his small greenhouse. His online presence was so much larger and one could imagine that the walls expanded in virtual world until an actual rainforest grew in Arkansas. He certainly touched many enthusiasts online and his influence will be missed. I know he is now in the rainforest of his dreams, finding species that are new to
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Leland Miyano
From: Zach DuFran
To: "aroid-l@gizmoworks.com"
Sent: Thu, January 13, 2011 6:34:23 PM
Subject: [Aroid-l] Steve Lucas
Aroid friends-
Steve Lucas, a great member of the International Aroid Society, passed away this morning. Many members and plant enthusiasts all over the world have known Steve, as he loves to correspond with people about plants. He had a great passion for plants and loved
to share his hobby with others. For the last several years he has been a huge advocate for the IAS and has had great visions for seeing the society grow. He took it upon himself to personally welcome each new member and learn about their personal interests.
He will be greatly missed by many.
Zach DuFran
A note from Steve's daughters:
The funeral will be held this Sunday, January 16, in Siloam Springs, Arkansas at the Backstrom-Pyeatte Funeral Home at 2. The address is 1401 E. Main Siloam Springs, AR 72761.
In lieu of flowers we know our dad would appreciate donations sent to the Missouri Botanical Gardens. He loved this place and I know that he would much rather have your gifts sent there. Please pray for our mother Janice and brother Brad at this time. They
have a long road ahead.
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From: Jason Sarine <jasondsarine at hotmail.com> on 2011.01.14 at 18:35:53(21746)
My thoughts go out to all the family and many friends of Steve. I unfortunately only was able to meet him once recently, but was immediately astounded by his passion for aroids and his enthusiasm for this society. The IAS has lost an outstanding asset and more importantly a friend.
Jason Sarine
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From: "Sherry Gates" <TheTropix at msn.com> on 2011.01.14 at 18:46:32(21747)
My deepest condolences to Mrs. Lucas and their children. Please let them know they are in our prayers.
Sincerely, Sherry Gates
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----- Original Message -----
From: Zach DuFran
To: aroid-l@gizmoworks.com
Sent: Thursday, January 13, 2011 9:34 PM
Subject: [Aroid-l] Steve Lucas
Aroid friends-
Steve Lucas, a great member of the International Aroid
Society, passed away this morning. Many members and plant enthusiasts all over the world have known Steve, as he loves to correspond with people about plants. He had a great passion for plants and loved to share his hobby with others. For the last several years he has been a huge
advocate for the IAS and has had great visions for seeing the society grow. He took it upon himself to personally welcome each new member and learn about their personal interests. He will be greatly missed by many.
Zach DuFran
A note from Steve's daughters:
The funeral will be held this Sunday, January 16, in Siloam Springs, Arkansas at the Backstrom-Pyeatte Funeral Home at 2. The address is 1401 E. Main Siloam Springs, AR 72761. In lieu of flowers we know our dad would appreciate donations sent to the Missouri Botanical
Gardens. He loved this place and I know that he would much rather have your gifts sent there. Please pray for our mother Janice and brother Brad at this time. They have a long road ahead.
Aroid-L mailing list
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From: "Elizabeth Campbell" <desinadora at mail2designer.com> on 2011.01.14 at 22:29:07(21749)
Wow, I'm floored. Steve was such a tough, stubborn cookie that I think we all figured he'd be around forever. He's the reason I even got interested in aroids and joined the IAS. He will be sorely missed here.
Jude - I've got what I think is a new species of Anthurium, and one that Steve really liked to boot. If I can get a confirmation on its lack of description, I'll be naming it for him. I'll try to get seeds as well next time I'm up where it grows, and if they're viable, I'll send them on.
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From: Steve Marak <samarak at gizmoworks.com> on 2011.01.15 at 05:37:03(21753)
A couple of hours ago Steve's daughters sent out a note to his address
book, which many of you on this list will also have seen. Apparently Steve
suffered a heart attack and was gone very quickly.
Although Steve had various health issues, that was never his focus and
never the impression he gave in person, and I'm sure many people who
didn't know him personally would be surprised to hear that. He always met
every problem so directly, with such determination (and without
complaint), that it seemed it was always the problem that blinked, never
Steve. As many of us had been in communication with him via e-mail up
through Wednesday afternoon, it's really hard to adjust to this sad
For those interested, his obituary may be found here:
and there is a form by which condolences may be left. I suspect that even
his family may not realize just how big his Internet world was, so I hope
his friends everywhere will let them know how widely he'll be missed.
As others have already mentioned, his family would appreciate donations to
the Missouri Botanical Garden in lieu of flowers.
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-- Steve Marak
-- samarak@gizmoworks.com
Aroid-L mailing list
From: Ferenc Lengyel <feri.lengyel at gmail.com> on 2011.01.15 at 08:46:35(21754)
I am shocked too. Though I am a lurker on this list (and on his exotic plants forum), I always enjoyed reading his posts and respected his efforts to spread the scientific nomenclature and information through his website and many other forums. It is the first time when the death of someone who I haven't known determines my mood in my offline life.
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From: brian lee <lbmkjm at yahoo.com> on 2011.01.15 at 20:15:45(21755)
Dear Beth,
Could you inform the other forums you post online? UBC Forums, Araceae, etc? Photopro is known to many people online....I do not know all the forums, but, I know you like to post on a few.
Leland | HTML +More |
From: Elizabeth Campbell
To: aroid-l@
Sent: Fri, January 14, 2011 1:29:07 PM
Subject: Re: [Aroid-l] Steve Lucas
Wow, I'm floored. Steve was such a tough, stubborn cookie that I think we all figured he'd be around forever. He's the reason I even got interested in aroids and joined the IAS. He will be sorely missed here.
Jude - I've got what I think is a new species of Anthurium, and one that Steve really liked to boot. If I can get a confirmation on its lack of description, I'll be naming it for him. I'll try to get seeds as well next time I'm up where it grows, and if they're viable, I'll send them on.
Get the Free email that has everyone talking at http://www.mail2world.com
Unlimited Email Storage – POP3 – Calendar – SMS – Translator – Much More!
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From: anabaena at london.com on 2011.01.16 at 20:55:21(21757)
I received this news late, having just returned from a week away/ offline. I am very sad to hear this. Unfortunately I have never had the pleasure of meeting Steve in person, but have had many personal correspondences with him. He was such a warm and welcoming person. This is a big loss to the society. My thoughts are with his family.
What a shock.
Anna Haigh
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From: "Gareth Hambridge" <ghambridge at optusnet.com.au> on 2011.01.19 at 08:28:16(21767)
A dedicated plantsman whom I had the very briefest of communications. I
regret not communicating with him more.
Steve, you will be sadly missed by tropical plant fanatics the world over.
To Steve's family, many condolences and as you read these messages coming
in, I hope your hearts are lifted by the many whose world was touched by
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