IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

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  Web graphics?
From: Duane Campbell <dcamp at epix.net> on 1997.12.22 at 01:30:39(1779)
Does anyone know where I can find a line drawing of Amorphophallus konjac
on the Web? I found lots of great photos, but no line drawings. And
unfortunately my scanner got into a fight with Win95 when I tried to move
it from my old Win3.1 computer and I have not been able to mediate it.

Duane Campbell dcamp@epix.net

From: GeoffAroid <GeoffAroid at aol.com> on 1997.12.22 at 14:25:47(1783)

I will send you one later today, you are right there are not many line
drawings of Amorphs around. Hope you like this one.



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