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  Alocasia recommendations
From: anggrek at juno.com (Tsuh Yang Chen) on 1997.12.29 at 19:44:57(1794)
dear aroiders,

of the following Alocasia, which one would you recommend for indoor
growing? i'm specially looking for shorter and smaller plants.

A. "Black Velvet"

From: ERTELTJB at ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu on 1997.12.30 at 02:16:28(1795)
I would recommend the first two, A. 'Black Velvet' and A. imperialis, since
they both seem to fit your criteria of compact, smaller plants. I would also
recommend contacting Tropiflora, a predominantly bromeliad establishment in
Sarasota Florida run by Dennis and Linda Cathcart, if you are not already in
touch with them. Their latest Cargo Report offers all but one of the plants
you listed, with nice descriptions of them as well, and tells what size pots
the specific plants will be coming out of. I have found them to be dependable
regarding shipping as well, even through the winter. Their order line is
1-800-613-7520, and their internet address is http:/home1.gte.net/tflora/
Good Growing.
- Jonathan Ertelt

From: Krzysztof Kozminski <kk at netgate.net> on 1998.01.01 at 17:27:10(1798)
Jonathan Ertelt wrote:

>I would recommend the first two, A. 'Black Velvet' and A. imperialis, since
>they both seem to fit your criteria of compact, smaller plants. I would also
>recommend contacting Tropiflora, a predominantly bromeliad establishment in
>Sarasota Florida run by Dennis and Linda Cathcart, if you are not already in
>touch with them. Their latest Cargo Report offers all but one of the plants
>you listed, with nice descriptions of them as well, and tells what size pots
>the specific plants will be coming out of. I have found them to be dependable
>regarding shipping as well, even through the winter. Their order line is
>1-800-613-7520, and their internet address is http:/home1.gte.net/tflora/

Another recommendation for Tropiflora. Just received my order from them,
and the size of the plants is HUGE for what one can expect via mailorder.
Real bargain for the price.

BTW, from Tropiflora's description, Alocasia "Corazon" seems to be the
same as Alocasia "Aquino" (see

From: plantnut at shadow.net (Dewey Fisk) on 1998.01.01 at 22:53:21(1800)
>BTW, from Tropiflora's description, Alocasia "Corazon" seems to be the
>same as Alocasia "Aquino" (see

It is one and the same plant... It was named for the President of the
Philippines.... Some use the first name, which is correct, and some use
the last name....

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