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From: Tony Avent <tony at plantdel.com> on 1998.01.12 at 16:19:58(1823)

Back in June, you described the plant that Kaichen was selling as
Arisaema rhombiforme as Typhonium fieldii. Can you tell us more about the
typhonium, especially potential hardiness as compared to the hardy T.
giganteum. Thanks.
Tony Avent

From: Wilbert Hetterscheid <hetter at vkc.nl> on 1998.01.13 at 14:15:44(1827)
Dear Tony,

It concerned Typhonium horsfieldii, which is mainly tropical. Certainly
not hardy when frosts are concerned. You may experiment with temperate
circumstances, which I have found are accepted by many Typhoniums. It is
a species with a high light-need or it gets leggy easily. Always be
careful with too much direct sunlight. I have also found that it doesn't
like to be kept dry OUT of the soil. Some clones have a tendency to stay
green during "resting", meaning a few leaves linger on while there is no
actual growth. Should not let such a plant dry out.

The species is one of the most widespread in Asia and has many
phenotypes, some very attractive.


From: Tony Avent <tony at plantdel.com> on 1998.10.19 at 15:24:25(2703)

Several years ago, I got two bulbs from Jim Waddick, Typhonium divaricatum
and T. giganteum. Both have flowered regularly, and upon further research,
the RHS lists T. blumei as a synonym. Also, the Japanese picture aroid
book that many of us purchased has a photo of T. blumei, which is the same
plant. Jim tells me that he originally identified it from a photo in
Iconographia. It looks like it's pretty reliably hardy here in zone 7

As for T. giganteum, Jim tells me that several folks have instead called
it T. giraldii. RHS uses T. giganteum v. giraldii. This one has been
reliable in zone 7 also, and I think Jim also indicated it was reliable in
zone 6.

Any help to clear these taxonomic issues would be most
appreciated....Wilbert, et al.
Tony Avent

From: alistair_hay_at_po-sydney at rbgsyd.gov.au on 1998.10.19 at 23:54:56(2706)
T. divaricatum is a synonym of T. roxburghii, not T. blumei. However,
the name T. divaricatum has also been extensively misapplied to plants
of T. blumei.

T. roxburghii and T. blumei can be told apart by the form of the
neuter organs above the female zone of the spadix: claw-like and
downward-pointing in T. roxburghii and thread-like and curly in T.

T. giraldii and T. giganteum var. giraldii have been treated as synonyms of T.
giganteum in the last revision of this genus (Sriboonma et al., J. Fac. Sci.
Univ. Tokyo Sect. III, 15: 255-313 (1994)).

Alistair Hay

From: Tony Avent <tony at plantdel.com> on 1998.10.20 at 14:58:37(2707)

Thanks for your comments on the typhoniums. I am assuming by your
comments that T. divaricatum and T. roxburgii look identical in flower from
a couple of feet away and the only way to tell is to examine their sex
organs when in flower. Is this correct?

Tony Avent

From: alistair_hay_at_po-sydney at rbgsyd.gov.au on 1998.10.21 at 04:05:56(2708)
T. divaricatum IS identical to T. roxburghii! Forget divaricatum, it
is a synonym of roxburghii and there is no reason to use the name.

T. blumei and T. roxburghii look fairly similar; the feature I gave is
a reliable one for telling them apart, assuming that what you have is
either one or the other.

All best


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