IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

About Aroid-L
 This is a continuously updated archive of the Aroid-L mailing list in a forum format - not an actual Forum. If you want to post, you will still need to register for the Aroid-L mailing list and send your postings by e-mail for moderation in the normal way.

  Wilbert's Phalloid sale - 97
From: "James W. Waddick" <jim-jim at swbell.net> on 1998.01.16 at 04:32:56(1836)
Dear Wilbert,
I'll echo Caro's comment:

>? I don't know
>what my Amorphophallus collection would do without you!

and request that you post your snail mail addresss so potential
donors might show their appreciation by sending you a bit of currency to
cover the house-keeping bills for the collection.

I'm looking forward to getting something from the list one of these
days. A first sign of spring?

Best Jim W.

James W. Waddick Voice: 816 746 1949
8871 NW Brostrom Rd E-MAIL: jim-jim@swbell.net
Kansas City MO 64152 Fax: 816 746 1939
Zone 5/6 - Winter low -10 degrees F Summer high +100 degrees F

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