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Miami Show and Sale
From: Albert Huntington <amasakih at gmail.com>
on 2013.09.23 at 21:43:04(22917)
Just wanted to transmit a big THANK YOU to everyone who showed up at the show in Miami this past weekend, especially those who donated plants and/or their time to help make the show a success! We truly could not have done it without everyone's help.
William Rotolante, Barry Schwartz, Enid Offolter, Bruce McAlpin and many more members brought in plants to sell at the members table. Denis Rotolante, Zach DuFran, Lester Kallus Tom Moore and Donna Rich helped out at the checkout. Andrew Schrimsher shepherded our guest speaker while we were all still stuck at home and amassed an amazing collection of auction plants. Mary Anderson and Linda Larocca went above and beyond the call of duty to make the banquet a success. Tom Croat and Tom Moore ran an exciting auction with the help of Ron Weeks and a whole herd of donors including Dylan Hannon, Mark Ferdschneider, Betsy Feuerstein, David Fell, Robert Chumley and Ted Held. Taylor Holzer and Ron Kaufmann joined in the show judging, among other things.
Also of note: new board members were voted in this year, and the board will soon be electing new officers. Your new board members are Don Bittel, Albert Huntington, Joep Moonen, Peter Matthews and Andrew Leonard - representing a wide range of experiences and locations. They may not all be on facebook, but they do all have e-mail - please approach any of the members of the board with your questions and suggestions. More information on the governing board is available at http://www.aroid.org/society/board.php
Lastly, it is very likely that we will be in a renovated Garden House ( the old venue ) next year, but if anyone who was actually there has any positive or negative comments about the tent and ballroom now that we've tried them out, I'd be interested to hear it here.
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From: Shirley <shirleyk1 at aol.com>
on 2013.09.24 at 02:59:13(22919)
You were no slouch either. You were everywhere and always cheerful rather than anxious or fretful-- so thanks for excellent planning and execution.
I have thought about the tent. I think it probably is a better option for capturing the unintentional guest/buyer/new member. It seems and is more open and "strangers" can look in and get comfortable about joining the sale. I don't know how it felt for the vendors having no protected side. That would be an issue to learn from them. I think the increased floor space was better for the plants--less unintentional damage from people squeezing by. and you could step back and get a better look at them as well, prior to purchase.
While I love the looks of that upstairs ballroom, the acoustics are a bit annoying. Way too many echoes and noise that affected the presentation and the auction somewhat as we got more relaxed and a bit rowdier. I don't remember what it was like in the other room.
Kudos to our Auctioneer and his "elves." What a great job. It was fast and fun. Well done.
For my second year in a row, I had a terrific time. Neat people who like sharing info and always willing to help. And great teachers.
Thanks to all,
Shirley Kirkconnell
New Orleans
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See you next year!
On Sep 23, 2013, at 4:43 PM, Albert Huntington wrote:
Just wanted to transmit a big THANK YOU to everyone who showed up at the show in Miami this past weekend, especially those who donated plants and/or their time to help make the show a success! We truly could not have done it without everyone's help.
William Rotolante, Barry Schwartz, Enid Offolter, Bruce McAlpin and many more members brought in plants to sell at the members table. Denis Rotolante, Zach DuFran, Lester Kallus Tom Moore and Donna Rich helped out at the checkout. Andrew Schrimsher shepherded our guest speaker while we were all still stuck at home and amassed an amazing collection of auction plants. Mary Anderson and Linda Larocca went above and beyond the call of duty to make the banquet a success. Tom Croat and Tom Moore ran an exciting auction with the help of Ron Weeks and a whole herd of donors including Dylan Hannon, Mark Ferdschneider, Betsy Feuerstein, David Fell, Robert Chumley and Ted Held. Taylor Holzer and Ron Kaufmann joined in the show judging, among other things.
Also of note: new board members were voted in this year, and the board will soon be electing new officers. Your new board members are Don Bittel, Albert Huntington, Joep Moonen, Peter Matthews and Andrew Leonard - representing a wide range of experiences and locations. They may not all be on facebook, but they do all have e-mail - please approach any of the members of the board with your questions and suggestions. More information on the governing board is available at http://www.aroid.org/society/board.php
Lastly, it is very likely that we will be in a renovated Garden House ( the old venue ) next year, but if anyone who was actually there has any positive or negative comments about the tent and ballroom now that we've tried them out, I'd be interested to hear it here.
Aroid-L mailing list
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