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From: =?UTF-8?B?RG1pdHJpaSBMb2dpbm92?= <dmitrijj at mail.ru>
on 2015.03.16 at 20:51:27(23252)
Dear Derek,
Taking into account your message above I have written a manuscript and sent it to you and Carla several days ago. But I haven't got any answer from you both yet. Myabe you haven't received it. What did I go wrong?
With best regards,
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Dmitry Loginov
From: =?UTF-8?B?RG1pdHJpaSBMb2dpbm92?= <dmitrijj at mail.ru>
on 2015.03.19 at 17:15:38(23257)
Dear Carla and Derek,
Thank you for your efforts to help me!
Carla, I successfuly sent manuscript to Derek, and he promise to resend it for you. I hope that it is ok now.
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