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From: MJ Hatfield <oneota at ames.net> on 1998.01.24 at 04:55:28(1873)
I've been growing Amorphophallus lewallei from seed. They seem to take a
long time to go into their first dormancy (or is it their second?). When
the petioles died back, I dug the small tubers only to find longitudinal
"shoots". These "shoots" appear to be actively growing. Not knowing what
to do, I replanted some. I just checked and they are fine, although no
change. The others I stored dry in brown paper bags. Upon checking they
have turned green and don't look as healthy as they did when I first dug

From: "Carlo A. Balistrieri" <cabalist at facstaff.wisc.edu> on 1998.01.25 at 05:22:04(1875)
>The others I stored dry in brown paper bags. Upon checking they
>have turned green and don't look as healthy as they did when I first dug
>Any comments, general or specific, or suggestions?

I suppose it goes without saying--KEEP them in the pots! The bible, however,
does say that lewallei can be dry stored while dormant. Wilbert?


From: Wilbert Hetterscheid <hetter at vkc.nl> on 1998.01.26 at 17:17:16(1879)
Dear MJ,

I am surprised to read about the rhizomatous first "tuber" of lewallei
seedlings. My own seedlings always produced a tuber. What do you do to
the seedlings? Could it be that you broke off the offsets and missed the
small main tubers? I know that even the tiniest tubers of lewallei
produce the typical rhizomatous offsets. It is only logical that they
won't grow right away just after the onset of dormancy. The tips of
these offsets often seem to be in development when dug up, so that
figures. But that is not to say they will develop leaves. They are just
"grown" by the main tuber that feeds them and keeps them elongating. All
this makes me fear you have missed the main tubers, or they have rotted
away before digging up.

Rhizomatous offsets generally are prone to desiccation when still small,
thin etc. Better keep 'em in soil.


From: MJ Hatfield <oneota at ames.net> on 1998.01.27 at 17:08:32(1884)

I have the main tubers with the rhizomatous offsets still attached. My
question was; the main tuber, stored dry and in darkness, turns green
and doesn't look as "healthy" as time progresses.

I will store them in soil until they are bigger.

Thanks to you all.

MJ Hatfield

From: Wilbert Hetterscheid <hetter at vkc.nl> on 1998.01.28 at 15:41:00(1886)
Dear MJ,

Turning green is the normal reaction of lewallei tubers when exposed to
light. Some other species trun purple, or brown or grey.

When the main tubers show desiccation, you better put them in soil
indeed. It surprises me though since lewallei is a real tough cookie!


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