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  Caladium paradoxum
From: Paul Resslar <presslar at vwc.edu> on 1998.01.25 at 22:36:11(1876)

Can anyone tell me who is the author of the name Caladium paradoxum?
Does anyone know anything about it?


From: "Julius Boos" <ju-bo at email.msn.com> on 1998.01.26 at 04:13:59(1877)
> Can anyone tell me who is the author of the name Caladium paradoxum?
>Does anyone know anything about it?
>Paul M. Resslar
>Professor of Biology
>Virginia Wesleyan College
>1584 Wesleyan Drive
>Norfolk, Virginia 23502-5599
>Dear Paul,
C. paradoxum was discribed in 1988 by S. J. Mayo and Josef Bogner in
"Willdenowia 18". It is from Colombia, S. America.
Let me know if you`d like a copy of the paper.
Do you or anyone out there know the origin of the name Caladium marmoratum;
it is illustrated on pg.189 of"Exotica International", Series 4, Vol.1 of
1985 (?). It has an almost peltate leaf blade, and is from Eastern Ecuador
and grows "wet".
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