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  Job Announcement
From: Tom Croat <croat at mobot.org> on 1998.02.11 at 15:01:00(1910)
Job Announcement for Araceae Research Assistant

The Missouri Botanical Garden announces a job opening for a Senior
Herbarium Assistant to work with the research program of Dr. Thomas B.
Croat. Many of you on aroid-l are familiar with Petra Malesevich who
has been Research Assistant for Araceae research for many years but who
will soon be leaving the St. Louis area. We are trying to find a
replacement for her as soon as possible so that Petra could help to
train her replacement. This would be a regular full-time salaried
position. The Araceae research program at the Missouri Botanical Garden
is one of the most active in the world with floristic, monographic, and
bibliographic projects proceeding on many fronts in the neotropics. The
computerized database of descriptions, bibliographic information, and
lists of specimens is unparalleled. This job involves dealing with all
aspects of Araceae research including expediting and facilitating
identification of herbarium and living collections, preparing
documentation for plant collections, monitoring flowering and
pollination of living collections, preparing descriptions, and
maintaining computerized databases. The job offers possibilities for
doing field work in Latin America and even doing independent research.
Among the things that would be helpful for any applicant are knowledge
of Spanish and/or Latin, a good knowledge of geography, Bachelor's
degree in botany, horticulture, or related areas, knowledge of managing
computerized databases, and knowledge of botanical literature. Salary
will be commensurate with experience. Since many of you on aroid-l are
likely to know someone who might enjoy working with Araceae at the
Missouri Botanical Garden, I would appreciate hearing from you as soon
as possibile.

From: Don Burns <burns at mobot.org> on 1998.02.11 at 19:50:30(1912)

Sounds like a neat job. You have room for a BSEE, MSEE, MBA and 18
months into an EE PhD? :-)

Unfortunately I have a job that undoubtedly pay a lot better, and
besides, your weather sucks!

Good luck on replacing her! I am sure Petra was quite a capable assistant
and will probably will be difficult to replace. But as we say, "Things
change, and we must move on, right?"

Good luck!

Regarding Aroideana, it sounds like we may be making progress in our
quest for a new editor. But I am still concerned about the volume in
process and I'll stay in touch with Dewey on this.


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