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  Call for seed specimens for Seed Lipid study
From: "Victor G. Soukup" <soukupvg at email.uc.edu> on 1998.02.11 at 21:15:05(1914)
>Date: Mon, 02 Feb 1998 23:22:47 -0500
>From: "Victor G. Soukup"
>Subject: Call for seed specimens for Seed Lipid study
>Dear Aroid-l Membership, et al,
> My study of the acid profiles of the seed lipids of Araceae is
progressing. The help of the Aroid-l correspondents has been invaluable
and I graciously give thanks for the past help. Besides the primary goals,
the study has found a unique acid, 13-phenyltridecanoic acid, as a major
component of the seed lipids in subfamily Aroideae of Araceae
(Phytochemistry 1997) and another apparently unique acid,
2-octylcyclopropane-octanoic acid, in the genus Montrichardia. Forty three
of the 105 genera in the family have now been examined.
> There are, however, some major gaps among the genera examined. Seeds
of the following genera are needed at this time: Eminium, Theriophonum,
>Typhonium, Pothos, Homalomena, Caladium, Pseudodracontium, Cryptocoryne,
>Lagenandra, and at least some of the Madagascan genera (except Typhonodorum).
> I usually need a minimum of 5 - 6 fruits/seeds for an analysis,
although I prefer to have 10 - 15 for duplicate determinations, etc. While
my primary study is on seed lipids, I prefer to receive fruits (berries)
because I am also carrying out a similar study of the soft berry tissues.
However, if only seeds are available, I gladly accept seeds. All submitted
mateials should be identified, preferably down to species, and any known
collection information supplied.
> Donations of fruits/seeds will be acknowledged in future
publications. I
>will reimburse your expenses if requested to do so.
> Thanks for you kind consideration. Sincerely,
Victor G. Soukup
From: "Mr R.a McClure" <Rob.McClure at sci.monash.edu.au> on 1998.02.25 at 06:08:55(1921)
Hello Vic,

I have been meaning to email for ages and thank you for your
Christmas message and great photo of Arisaema angustata v.peninsulae.
Thank you !
You sure get to see nice aroids in your travels.
Glad to hear your work is going well too.

This summer has been a bountiful one for my aroids and as a result I
have seeds and fruit of: Dracunculus canariensis
Helicodiceros muscivorous
Arum maculatum
Arisaema flavum
Zantedeschia albomaculata
Zantedeschia elliottiana
Sauromatum venosum

You have probably 'done' these already but if you would like any of
the above drop me a line and I will post them over.

Cheers for now,

Note: this is a very old post, so no reply function is available.