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Broken Philodendron hastatum
From: Pedro Papini <pedrogabrielpm at gmail.com>
on 2020.08.10 at 22:29:07(24382)
Hello everyone,
I have one cutting of Philodendron hastatum that was going pretty well, but a couple weeks ago, one other fern that was hanging on top of it fell down. Well, needless to say, it broke in half, and now I have two pieces of P. hastatum with some broken petioles, even though the buds seem to be fine.
I'm just a little lost on how to proceed in making it grow now, since it is somewhat different from the kind of philodendron nodes I'm used to deal with. The cutting was around half meter high,so there still are a few good nodes in it.
Thank you in advance for any help.
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