IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

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  Amorphophallus henryi
From: David SCHERBERICH <earmag at cybercable.tm.fr> on 1998.03.08 at 01:47:05(1941)
Dear all,

while we are speaking of Amorphophallus, regarding the A. henryi seeds
some of us received a few months ago, does someone know a way to break
the "up to 9 months" dormancy and what it is due to ?



David Scherberich

From: GeoffAroid at aol.com on 1999.02.01 at 22:10:13(2984)
A year and 1 month ago Peter Randall distributed seeds of Amorphophallus
henryi; at the time I remember Wilbert saying we should be prepared for a =
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