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 This is a continuously updated archive of the Aroid-L mailing list in a forum format - not an actual Forum. If you want to post, you will still need to register for the Aroid-L mailing list and send your postings by e-mail for moderation in the normal way.

  New photo
From: "Richard Mansell (BIO)" <mansell at chuma.cas.usf.edu> on 1998.03.10 at 17:31:36(1944)
Greetings: I received this message from Ron Gagliardo at the Atlanta
Botanical Garden. The address for the photo is:


From: Scott Hyndman <scothynd at magicnet.net> on 1998.03.10 at 21:14:40(1945)

I have seen thousands of mutations during my twenty year career in plant
tissue culture, but the Amorphophallus in this image is by far the most
spectacular mutation I have ever seen, or heard of, if it is truly a
mutated plant out of tissue culture. I think it is much more likely an
escaped or introduced Am. pendulus. As to the exact identification of the
specimen, I will defer to Wilbert's judgment.

I know that Ron Gagliardo and the other staff at the Atlanta Botanical
Gardens do seem to make miracles happen with their very competent
horticulture and tissue culture, but I seriously doubt that the origin of
the plant to be from a mutated culture. Regardless, the image is of a fine
looking aroid, and I will be interested in getting a plant after they
become available from Ron's competent cloning efforts.

Regards, Scott

From: Lester Kallus <lkallus at earthlink.net> on 1998.03.10 at 23:59:39(1946)
Now that Scott's broken the ground in requesting samples of that new
Amorphophallus, please put my order in for twenty of them. I'd like to use
them as a hedge.

Seriously, if this grows to be 6 feet high, I'm certain I'll be seeing it
on the set of Star Trek sometime soon. Can I assume that we'll be kept
abreast of any developments of tissue culturing this beauty?

From: "Richard Mansell (BIO)" <mansell at chuma.cas.usf.edu> on 1998.03.11 at 15:10:08(1947)
To all of you that send in comments and read the posts. I will forward to
Ron and will keep you posted as this plant grows its way to fame. It is
quite small and once it flowers, we will know more.


From: "Sue Zunino" <suez at sprintmail.com> on 1998.03.11 at 15:21:08(1948)
Dear Richard,
How does one put her name on the list to be notified if this plant becomes
available? My first attempt at pendulus was a failure, but I would love to
have another shot at it.
Sue Zunino
From: Wilbert Hetterscheid <hetter at vkc.nl> on 1998.03.13 at 06:41:42(1951)
Dear phallophiles,

I had a look at Ron's picture and the mystery mutant IS A. pendulus, or
(but I doubt this) a specimen of an as yet undescribed new species from
Sabah, that has a leaf similar to that of pendulus but a rather
different inflorescence. I guess that Ron may have been tissue-culturing
with a wrongly labelled plant. Having said that, this is a very exciting
result, since pendulus is certainly one of the most bitchy species to
grow. If it behaves well in tissue culture experiments, we may build up
stock and start experimenting with the best cultivation circumstances.


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