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  Pollinating Cryptocoryne
From: "Jan D. Bastmeijer" <crypts at bart.nl> on 1998.03.18 at 15:23:28(1962)
Deansliger wrote:

> I've read conflicting reports that Cryptocorynes are self-sterile, but I've
> never had two plants of the same species blooming at the same time so I
> haven't been able to test that theory myself.

The situation in Cryptocoryne is quite clear. When the spathe opens, the
female flowers will accept pollen for about 24 hours. The male flowers
ripen in about three days, you you'll have to use two inflorescenses.
Niels Jacobsen made some crossings in the 70's, showing the hybrid
origin of C. willisii. Just now there is some exitement in the crypts MG
on crossings with a triploid parent, reported from Alexei Bednii from

Jan Bastmeijer

From: Deansliger <Deansliger at aol.com> on 1998.03.19 at 03:08:31(1966)
Jan Bastmeijer writes:

<< The situation in Cryptocoryne is quite clear. When the spathe opens, the
female flowers will accept pollen for about 24 hours. The male flowers

From: Matyas Buzgo <buzgo at systbot.unizh.ch> on 1998.03.19 at 15:56:24(1967)
Dear Dean & Jan

In Cryptocoryninae I saw, male flowers open generally only a day later
than the female flowers are receptive. In Lagenandra ovata and L.
praetermissa cultivated in Zurich and Basle (Switzerland), the whet stigma
of the female flowers are wilting then (Crypros are jsut too small to see
for me, and often whet).

This implies that pollen of at least the same inflorescence is not
accepted in Cryptocoryninae.

Note: this is a very old post, so no reply function is available.