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From: Don Burns <burns at mobot.org> on 1998.03.21 at 20:48:12(1968)
Pseudodracontium Fans,

How many species of this genus are known? The Genus of Araceae lists three:

P. anomalum
P. lacourii
P. latifolium

Apparently P. anomalum is a synonym of P. lacourii. And the tubers of
both appear identical which would support this. Are there any other species?


From: plantnut at shadow.net (Dewey Fisk) on 1998.03.22 at 06:19:21(1972)
In his Revision, Serbryani lists the following Pseudodracontiums:

P. fallax
P. harmandii
P. kuznetsovii
P. lacourii
P. lanceolatum
P. latifolium
P. macrophyllum

If you do not have a copy of the Revision... I'll loan you mine...

From: David SCHERBERICH <earmag at cybercable.tm.fr> on 1998.03.22 at 18:41:26(1973)
Dear Dewey,

Where was it published ? It would interest me also.

(By the way, P. lacourii, P. harmandii and P. kuznetsovii are
illustrated in Aroideana 19 p. 18-19)


From: plantnut at shadow.net (Dewey Fisk) on 1998.03.23 at 02:46:40(1976)
Serebryanyi, Michael M. "A Taxonomic Revision of Pseudodracontium (Araceae
- Aroideae -Thomsonieae" Published in Blumea 40 1995 217235

From: "Dr. Tom Croat" <tcroat at LEHMANN.mobot.org> on 1998.03.24 at 06:48:01(1980)
It turns out that I do have this?

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