IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

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  Biarum davisii
From: "Greg Ruckert" <greg at ezi-learn.com.au> on 1998.03.23 at 16:54:45(1977)
Hi all,
Would appreciate some feedback on a couple of Biarums that have just
finished flowering. Bought as Biarum davisii from Jacques Amand, England,
they don't fit the pictures that I have seen published. Have put up a
temporary web page with photographs and would appreciate feedback.

Greg Ruckert

From: "Peter Boyce" <P.Boyce at lion.rbgkew.org.uk> on 1998.03.24 at 00:15:28(1978)

Your plant is currently called Biarum davisii ssp. marmarisense. In
my forthcoming revision this name will be changed to B. marmarisense.
It is native to SW Turkey (esp. the Marmara Peninsular) and various
of the Greek and Turkish islands off the SW Turkish coast. It is
very abundant on Simi.


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