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  Spring, and the Synandrospadix are blooming ...
From: Steve Marak <samarak at arachne.uark.edu> on 1998.03.25 at 17:28:45(1982)
And therefore time for my annual Synandrospadix post.

This year I am particularly interested in information on pollination and
self-compatibility of Synandrospadix, as I have two inflorescences. One
has just opened, the other should open within the next day or so. These
are on two offsets of the same clone, hence the self-compatibility

Also, has anyone else done any testing of the hardiness of this plant?
Since my plant forms offsets slowly (as in 1 each year, maybe 2 in a good
year), I put one outside in 1996. Unfortunately, it was not a good test -
while the tuber survived the winter without any sign of rot, it was
damaged by "itchy finger blight" in the spring, so I've no idea if the
climate or my impatience killed it.

Can anyone offer advice?


From: Wilbert Hetterscheid <hetter at vkc.nl> on 1998.03.26 at 15:11:20(1983)
Dear Steve,

Last year I pollinated a Gorgonidium, which may be a lesson for
Synandrospadix too. Take pollen of the oldest inflor as soon as it is
released. Then open the other one (provided is is already well-developed
but still closed) by cutting away the entire spathe and brush the pollen
on the stigmas of that second one. Then wait....................

My Gorgonidium produced a huge and spectacular fruiting cone with deep
purple berries but the seeds were sort of semi-aborted.


From: "Mr R.a McClure" <Rob.McClure at sci.monash.edu.au> on 1998.04.02 at 16:11:39(1998)
> Date: Wed, 25 Mar 1998 11:33:08 -0600
> From: Steve Marak
> Subject: Spring, and the Synandrospadix are blooming ...
> To: rob.mcclure@sci.monash.edu.au
From: Steve Marak <samarak at arachne.uark.edu> on 1998.04.03 at 19:42:33(2001)

It certainly is a beautiful plant. Mine came from Tom Croat at MoBot, and
flowered the following spring, so I don't really know how old it was, or
if it was a seed-grown plant or an offset. (I'm sure Tom has that
information; maybe I should dig out the accession number.)

As I say, it offsets regularly if slowly, which I'm told may be unusual
behavior for the species.

I'm curious as to how many clones are in cultivation and how widely they
vary in provenance. I'm also interested in getting another clone myself,
especially from whatever area may experience the coldest winter
temperatures, but this does not seem to be an easy plant to come by - not
many people are growing it. If it is an infrequent offsetter, this may be
cause and effect.

I also grow mine very dry during the winter rest - as close to no water at
all as I can get until I see growth in the spring. It will do quite well
in the greenhouse all year, but I intend to move it outside after frost
danger has passed for some stronger light this year. In my climate, this
means it will get some of those +40 C temperatures you mention.

We get the majority of our rain during winter, which may make establishing
it outdoors here hard even if it should prove technically hardy. That's a
big problem for us with many western US natives.


From: Eduardo <eggon at guarany.cpd.unb.br> on 1998.04.03 at 20:22:19(2002)
Mr R.a McClure wrote:

> Two years ago I emailed Eduardo in Brazil to quizz him on this Sth.
> American aroid.
> He told me it grows from low elevation up to 1500 m, can cope with

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