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  Two questions
From: "Sue Zunino" <suez at sprintmail.com> on 1998.04.01 at 14:45:50(1994)
Hello all,

I have two questions to ask of anyone who might know.

1). There is a Zantideschia of which I would like to know the name. The
plant gets to be about 5' to 6' high, with green and white varigated leaves,
and the inflorescence's spathes have the same varigation. In other words,
they match. It's big and beautiful.

2). I have an Alocacia (called only by the name of 'African Mask' by the
nursery). Of course I got two Alocacias with the same name from that the
same store, but both are very different. This one in particular has a
bloom with a sickle shaped spathe which curves away from the spadix at it's
base, then curves back towards and touches the very tip of it's white
spadix. At the base of the spathe, it is marble shaped before it flares out
into the sickle part (constricted?) Can someone tell me which one this is?
It's leaves are simply dark green (saran wrapped) with 'white-lime' raised
veins, and maroon underneath, and are lance or spear shaped. The
inflorescence had a 'new vinal' (the old stuff) scent that I just noticed
this morning, but faded as the day went on, and is gone tonight.

Thanks for help,
Sue Zunino

From: "Mr R.a McClure" <Rob.McClure at sci.monash.edu.au> on 1998.04.02 at 15:54:31(1997)
> Hello all,
> I have two questions to ask of anyone who might know.
> 1). There is a Zantideschia of which I would like to know the name. The
> plant gets to be about 5' to 6' high, with green and white varigated leaves,
> and the inflorescence's spathes have the same varigation. In other words,
> they match. It's big and beautiful.

From: plantnut at shadow.net (Dewey Fisk) on 1998.04.02 at 16:20:53(1999)
Since none of our experts have made comment on your two questions, I'll
give it a try.

If you are sure that you have a Xanthosoma, on your first question, it
might be X. atrovirens 'Monstrsum' if it has a funny little pocket at the
tip of the leaf. If no pocket, then it might be X. roseum (per Exotica).
I have never seen this plant. But, from your description, it could also be
Alocasia macrorhiza variegata. I suggest that you take a picture for the
IAS ID Web Site and that you check Exotica.

Now your second question is just a bit easier... Alocasia x amazonica has
been sold for years as 'African Mask'. But, to confuse things a bit.....
I have also seen A. 'Frydek' sold as 'African Mask'. Go figure!

Why not put both of these names in Alta Vista and see if you can find some
photos that match your plants. A good URL to start with is .

From: grsjr at juno.com (George R Stilwell, Jr.) on 1998.04.03 at 14:53:18(2000)

I've grown Z. aethiopica "Green Goddess" from NARGS seeds. A quick check
of my usual Z. suppliers failed to turn it up, but I know it's available
locally here. So it probably is there too.


From: "Sue Zunino" <suez at sprintmail.com> on 1998.04.06 at 14:18:13(2003)

I would love to have seeds of Z. aethiopica (aethiopica is the name I was
wanting to know), and my sister is the one who has the plant. Would you
know if it will produce viable seed all on it's own?

Speaking of seed, I now have 6 A. amurense and 9 heteraphyllum, all around
4" tall. I just transfered them (bubble tray and all) out into my heated
greenhouse. I started them in course sand which they are still in. Sand is
a pretty scarry medium to germinate them in because I thought I lost them
all when some started to rot (from being too wet), so I opened the top to
rid them of some moisture and it dried out so quick that I almost lost them
from desiccation! Still, most of them have germinated. If I remember
correctly, they should grow on in this container until they go dormant?
Should I change their soil, or can I plant them outside when the weather
permits? What do you suggest? You probably already mentioned this, but do
they need food (especially in the sand)?

Thanks for the note,

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