IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

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  Fiji--Kadavu Island
From: "Plantguy" <plantguy at mailcity.com> on 1998.04.20 at 00:58:18(2015)
I'm considering a trip to Kadavu, an island in Fiji this July. I'm interested in
what type of plant life I will find there and wondered if anyone could offer information
in this regard. I've surfed the net and checked local bookstores for travel info
but cannot find much on plant life. How about native aroids that I might find?

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From: jhl at kuentos.guam.net on 1998.04.20 at 13:57:14(2016)
I would check with some returned Peace Corps volunteers. I will do some
searching for you as well as I have a couple of bookmarks for that part
of the world as well as a few friends down there. also, my boss is a
former PCV from Fiji and he has some obscure plant ID guides that I will
scan. send along a fax number and i can fax the pages to you so you can
get the complete aroid list.

should be a fun trip. enjoy.


From: "Scott Lucas" <htbg at ilhawaii.net> on 1998.04.20 at 18:57:06(2018)
Not sure what your availability is to a good library, but A. C. Smith's
Flora Vitiensis Nova treats the flora of Fiji quite well. Treatment of the
Araceae occurs in Volume 1 of this five volume + index work. A.C. states
that there are 12 genera representing 14 species known to occur in Fiji. Of
these, two are considered indigenous and one endemic. If you will provide
me with your snail mail address, I can send you xerox copies of the 22 pages
on Araceae.

Scott A. Lucas

From: Karen Shigematsu <shigemat at hawaii.edu> on 1998.04.22 at 04:14:59(2026)
published by the National Tropical Botanical Garden (Lawai, Hawaii) may be
the best source about plants in Fiji. Volume I contains a section on
Araceae by Dan H. Nicholson w/ descriptions and keys.


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