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  A. griffithii help?!
From: newton at cin.net on 1998.04.26 at 02:04:46(2038)
Knowledge desired!

I have Arisaema Griffithii seeds.

Ready to plant.

From: Judy Bauer <jbauer at concordnc.com> on 1998.04.26 at 15:40:41(2039)
Hi Tim McNinch,
I used this search engine, http://www.metacrawler.com/ and typed in
'Arisaema Griffithii' and arrived here:
I clicked on the picture of Arisaema Griffithii,
Wow, this is a great looking plant!
BTW, who is updating the hardy aroid list:
This web site is interesting to see how much our Arisaema treasures are
worth: http://www.heronswood.com/pren1c.html
from this site: http://www.heronswood.com/pren1c.html
'nearly all Arisaema are happiest with a modicum of shade and adequate
moisture in humus-rich soil'.

Also: http://www.suite101.com/articles/article.cfm/2488
which states that Arisaema Griffithii is not hardy.
If I were you I would mail your Arisaema Griffithii seeds to one of our
Florida aroiders.
I have had very good results with Arisaema seeds or any other seeds by
planting them directly into the ground from which they will grow. But
first I have to dig into the soil with a shovel, then I till with my
little 22 pound tiller, then I add compost, compost cow manure or both.
Then I till again with my little 22 pound tiller until the soil is very
fine and mixed very well. Most seeds germinate in soil that is prepared
like this.

Judy Bauer

From: grsjr at juno.com (George R Stilwell, Jr.) on 1998.04.26 at 22:33:22(2041)

Don't let Judy intimidate you. We have AEG members growing Arisaema
griffithii from Zone 9 to Zone 6a.
I've had it growing here in Zone 7a for years.

Many AEG members have found it worth while to use the Deno Method for
seed germination. It really helps you pinpoint problems, keep track of
progress during germination, and minimize space requirements. The method
is well known and is described in Dr. Deno's books. You may find it
advantageous since A. griffithii is not the easiest Arisaema to

From: wpz at sprynet.com (William Perez) on 1998.04.26 at 22:38:28(2042)
I soaked my griffithii seeds in a cup of water for two days. I meant to
soak overnight only but got lazy. Then I sowed them in a mix of potting
soil to which I added half as much of perlite and of vermiculite. I pushed
the seeds in only about half an inch, maybe a little more but no more than
one inch. Then I poured a layer of vermiculite on top to a depth of about
3/4 inch. I put saran wrap over the top to hold in moisture and placed
the seed tray on a wooden plank on top of the radiator by the window. This
was sometime in March and in about three weeks they germinated nicely.
Afterwards, I just treated them like any old seedling. They're still by
the window sill but I've turned off the radiator, only turning it on when
it's cold and rainy outside because it then gets cold and damp in the
kitchen which is where the windowsill is. Oh, I also have a desk lamp with
a halogen bulb over the seedlings and I leave it on when it's cloudy
outside and every evening until 10 pm. The seed tray has a whole bunch of
other arisaemas and they're all very happy looking. I realize I'm not
being very professional about it, but it's working nicely. Hope this

From: stacy holtzman <sholtzma at sunflower.bio.indiana.edu> on 1998.04.27 at 20:54:47(2046)
All of my Arisaema species have germinated quite nicely as well in seed
starter mix, seeds just laid on top (since at the time I didn't know what
else to do), and afternoon sunny window for light (also nighttime kitchen
light on too). But some species took almost eight weeks to germinate, and
grew a little mold, which did not kill them (they seem to be really tough).
They also seem to have a "lag time" between actual germination and growing
to be small baby plants - some just didn't do much and then all of a sudden
I noticed beautiful little leafy babies.

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