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  interesting Arisaema triphyllum
From: Ellen Hornig <hornig at Oswego.EDU> on 1997.01.20 at 02:48:56(182)
While I think of this: I'm interested in acquiring interesting
forms of A. triphyllum, whatever that means. If anyone anticipates
having some to spare, please contact me privately. I'm sure I can
find something interesting to offer in trade. Thanks!

Ellen Hornig

From: Al Bickell <bickell at idirect.com> on 1997.01.21 at 01:53:54(197)
Hi Ellen, It's the guy that you sent those seeds to for tissue
culture(didn't work - early experiment). Did you get any triphyllum corms
offered? If not I have a few you can have. How many are you looking for?
5-10-20? I can't vouch for them being anything highly unusual but I did get
them in the area where the yellow form grows that is pictured on my web site
- . There may be some viridii
in among them too. I just don't know because I dug them up in the fall and
the foliage had died back. They are the infamous Southern Ontario Variety
Craig is coming down on Friday so I could send them with him if you're
interested. I would appreciate two or three seeds from anything you've got
that's interesting in return. Let me know if you want them.

Al Bickell

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