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  G. boivinii
From: Don Burns <burns at mobot.org> on 1998.05.04 at 02:27:25(2080)

I have G. boivinii growing in the ground here, unattended and not
fertilized, other than what they pick up from the spreading of
fertilizer for the grass several times per year. The leaves appear each
year in March and four weeks later inflorescences appear. They are
growing in very sandy and somewhat acidic soil.

Most of us who have these plants here in the subtropics regard them as
weeds because of the speed with which they spread. New plants are easily
grown simply from a leaf that has fallen to the ground. They are, in
general, extremely prolific plants.


From: Masaki Yamagata <yamagata at mahoroba.or.jp> on 1998.05.18 at 21:50:46(2169)
Hi Mr.Don,

Thank you for the advise that is useful for.
Can G.boivinii propagate by a leaf?

Masaki Yamagata

From: Don Burns <burns at mobot.org> on 1998.05.18 at 23:32:21(2175)
> Thank you for the advise that is useful for.
> Can G.boivinii propagate by a leaf?
> Masaki Yamagata
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