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  Xanthosoma (fwd)
From: Don Burns <burns at mobot.org> on 1998.05.14 at 22:51:52(2130)
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 14 May 1998 17:47:07 -0500
To: aroid-owner@mobot.org
From: Bob Riffle <71270.3070 at compuserve.com> on 1998.05.15 at 01:33:02(2133)
Eduardo, yes, it is a shame the lack of interest and (or so I'm surmising)
lack of funds that might get the research done. I know in the popular
culture of this country it's probably at the bottom ot the list of
"important" considerations, but not at the bottom of mine. Seems to
me that's one of the things wrong with popular culture: a near total
lack of appreciation of things of beauty in the natural world. Well,
I'll cease and desist now and gingerly get down from the soapbox ....

I'd love to have the digitized drawing, but it may not be necessary
if you answer this question: What are the "the two kinds of leaves"
you mention? Would one of them be "peltate?" That terminology I know.
And, if I'm on the right track, is what you're trying to tell me that
in the one case the petiole meets the main blade of the leaf at the
precise point at which the basal lobes diverge from the rest (apex)
of the main leaf blade?--and, in the other case, that the petiole
joins the main leaf blade beneath the point at which the basal lobes
diverge from the rest of the leaf blade? And, to be specific, that
the leaf of X. violacea is an example of the former case (or nearly so)
and that the leaf of X. sagittifolia is an example of the latter case
(or nearly so)?

From: "Dr. Tom Croat" <tcroat at lehmann.mobot.org> on 1998.05.15 at 15:33:23(2138)

For those of you who have been discussing Xanthosoma in recent days I can
concur that it is a taxonomic mess. I would encourage you to bring into
cultivation as many species as possible and demand collection data where
possible. This will be instrumental in a proper understanding of the
genus. Dr. Sue Thompson is working on Xanthosoma but still has a long way
to go to fully know them and I suspect that she has been reluctant to come
forward in this discussion to avoid being bombarded with questions that no
one can yet answer. I would further encourage you to send her material to
cultivate because studying them alive is essential. Sue is on aroid-l.
She works at the Carnegie Museum.


From: "Julius Boos" <ju-bo at email.msn.com> on 1998.05.16 at 02:10:08(2145)
-----Original Message-----
To: ju-bo@msn.com
Date: Friday, May 15, 1998 11:24 AM
Subject: Re: Xanthosoma (fwd)
Dear Aroiders,
A further note on the "new" (to me) Xanthosoma sp. that I recently saw at a
nursery being grown for a customer, and which I at first thought was X.
violacium due to the reddish/ purple color of the tubers/corms-- I was back
there today, and took a closer look at the plants produced by these "new"
reddish tubers, to me indistinguishable from the tubers of "red co co" at
the Jamaican and Cuban stores, which I have previously bought and have grown
to be "true" X. violacium, and was told that Winn Dixie, where they were
purchased, said that they are imported from Costa Rica. The leaves are
all-green with a wax-like coating that gives them a silvery-greyish look.
The anterior blade lobe points upward, and the points of the posterior lobes
also curve and point upwards. The texture of the blade is smooth and heavy,
and the margins are gently curved. The naked areas of the main ribs of the
posterior lobes are VERY short, not as long as in "true" X. violacium or X.
sagittifolia. NO sign of purple on petiole or blade. The interior of the
tuber/corm is white, while "red co co" has some streaks of red/purple in its
flesh, even after it is cooked (boiled). I will be interested to ask any
Jamicans I come across if they noticed a difference in the edibility, as
they MUCH prefer the "red co co" (true X. violacium) to the "white co co"
(x. sagittifolia), as they say the red co co "does not scratch" (itch) as
does white co co.
I will have to photograph these plants, and since I gave the one plant that
I grew of the scarce "yellow malanga" to one of my many friends, I will have
to get another and grow it, also to be photographed, as my memory of its
plant is simular to this "new" one. Have you all noticed that in Deni
Bown`s book she calls the Xanthosoma with the "pockets" at the leaf tips,
AND the yellow fleshed, edible Xanthosoma, X. atrovirens?? Surely they are
not the same? Also, there is a BEAUTIFUL,slender and tall (4 ft.)
Xanthosoma sp. locally, its leaves are elongately sagittate, crinkled, with
silvery and darker stripes that are along the viens, someone once told me
its name, but I can not bring it to mind at the moment. Anyone remember it?
Tom, do you have Sue`s address where one can post plants/ tubers to?
From: Bob Riffle <71270.3070 at compuserve.com> on 1998.05.16 at 04:31:44(2148)
I'm fairly certain it's not what I kept thinking when I read this

Also, there is a BEAUTIFUL,slender and tall (4 ft.) Xanthosoma sp.
locally, its leaves are elongately sagittate, crinkled, with
silvery and darker stripes that are along the viens, someone
once told me its name, but I can not bring it to mind at the moment

but what I thought was Xanthosoma undipes (X. jacquinii)

From: "Julius Boos" <ju-bo at email.msn.com> on 1998.05.17 at 01:52:25(2150)
-----Original Message-----
To: ju-bo@msn.com
Date: Saturday, May 16, 1998 12:23 AM
Subject: Re: Xanthosoma (fwd)
Dear Bob,
It may be X. jacquinii that I`m trying to recall, but certainly not X.
undipes, a plant which is common in the river valleys of Trinidad, W.I.; it
is a HUGE plant with a recumbent rhizome/trunk about 6" thick and sometimes
many feet long, its leaves are simular to the cultivated X. sagittifolia,
but have a shiny , light texture, and the clincher is that the sap which is
brownish, STINKS, and it exudes it in large quantities.
Anyone else have any ideas on the name of the slender Xanthosoma?
Sometime last year there was a picture posted of one of the
pubescent-leaved, smaller Xanthosomas in bloom, and we debated for quite a
while as to its "true" I.D. ( I believe we setteled on X. mexicanum or
somesuch), but I could not find the photo when I looked around this A.M.--
anyone know where it is, as I`m sure that you would enjoy it, Bob.
From: Krzysztof Kozminski <kk at netgate.net> on 1998.05.17 at 01:56:21(2151)
Julius Boos wrote: Also, there is a BEAUTIFUL,slender and tall (4 ft.)

> Xanthosoma sp. locally, its leaves are elongately sagittate, crinkled, with
> silvery and darker stripes that are along the viens, someone once told me
> its name, but I can not bring it to mind at the moment. Anyone remember it?

Could it be X. lindenii magnificum ?

From: Bob Riffle <71270.3070 at compuserve.com> on 1998.05.17 at 03:06:17(2153)
Jeez, the Griffiths' INDEX OF GARDEN PLANTS indicates that "Xanthosoma
jacquinii" is a synonym for "Xanthosoma undipes" and, if you have
EXOTICA or TROPICA, there is a photo of X. jacquinii that seems to
fit the description you posted. Maybe neither is correct--probably
EXOTICA/TROPICA has the original mistake ....

I heard Bill Gates not too long ago say something like "What's a
hundred million here or a hundred million there?" For 0.001 of
that amount he could fund all the research we need! Are you
counting on it?

From: "Julius Boos" <ju-bo at email.msn.com> on 1998.05.17 at 14:26:26(2154)
Dear Krzysztof,
No, I know X. (caladium) lindenii "magnificum"; I believe the one I`m trying
to remember the name of is in fact X. jacquinii.
Thanks for trying.
From: "Julius Boos" <ju-bo at email.msn.com> on 1998.05.17 at 14:32:42(2155)
Dear Bob and Aroider friends,
I believe that X. jaquinii is the name that I was looking for-- X. undipes
is not a synonym of it IF Simon Mayo is correct, and I believe he is, in his
work on the Aroids of Trinidad, where X. undipes (?) is common. All this
will be sorted out when the revision is complete, maybe in our lifetimes. A
lot of the confusion in some of the Xanthosomas is with the cultivated
vars., both the ornamental ones ( eg. X. "atrovirens" in its forms) and the
ones grown for food throughout their range. I am going to suggest that we
begin posting photos with data of the ones we grow from commercially
available sources, and I will begin by photographing the plants of the "new"
purplish-tubered Xanthosoma bought at Winn Dixie recently, and said to be
from Costa Rica, which is called "malanga lilac" by the Jamaicans where I
origanally bought my "red co co" tubers. They knew EXACTLY what I was
discribing when I asked them about it yesterday, as they hold their "red co
co" dear to their hearts, it is firmer and "drier" when cooked, and does not
itch. I
Note: this is a very old post, so no reply function is available.