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From: Timothy Chapman <chapman at premier.net> on 1997.01.20 at 16:44:33(188)
Someone mentioned the japanese magazine as "Opendoors" this name has
been used a lot, but "opendoors" is the name of an online service owned
by the magazine publisher. I think someone started calling the magazine
this because it is the only english word on the inside cover! The name
of the magazine is the Asashi Weekly Encyclopedia: "World of Plants"
The plant series is almost over, and apparently most if not all families
were covered. I've just ordered the issues on gingers&calathea and
Heliconia. I think there are around 150 issues, or something like that.

Tim Chapman

From: Diane Whitehead <ua024 at freenet.victoria.bc.ca> on 1997.01.21 at 01:29:23(193)
On Mon, 20 Jan 1997, Timothy Chapman wrote:

> the Asashi Weekly Encyclopedia: "World of Plants"
> The plant series is almost over, and apparently most if not all families
> were covered. I've just ordered the issues on gingers&calathea and
> Heliconia. I think there are around 150 issues, or something like that.

One of the speakers at the forthcoming Winter Study Weekend of
the North American Rock Garden Society in Ashland, Oregon, is John Erwin
who has been working for this magazine. He is known as "The Siskiyou
Photographer", and has been photographing native plants for the last ten
years. (Information from the WSW brochure)

Note: this is a very old post, so no reply function is available.