IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

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From: plantnut at shadow.net (Dewey Fisk) on 1998.05.16 at 01:56:55(2142)
New pictures at Dick Mansells Identification Page....

Pictures #138.... I obtained this plant many years ago as Amorphophallus
dunnii. Now, I have reason to doubt this identification.... Anyone have
any ideas... Watchathink????

Please go to the IAS Web Page at and let me
know what you think...

Many thanks.

From: "Peter Wunderlin" <pmdes at iafrica.com> on 1998.05.17 at 01:46:26(2149)
Hi everybody,
I live in South Africa and have grown a fair amount of Anthuriums over the
past year since I have joined you guys.
With winter on our doorsteps I would like to know how much cold can
Anthriums take as a general rule - if there is such a thing.
I stay in the Durban area and temperatures can go down in extreme cases to
about +5 deg C (+- 40 F). Would this be a problem for Anthuriums?
Many thanks

From: "Dr. Tom Croat" <tcroat at lehmann.mobot.org> on 1998.05.18 at 22:14:08(2173)
There is a lot of variabilty regarding cold hardyness. Plants from dryer
habitats tend to be preadapted to cold conditions. For example A. sect.
Pachyneurium seems to be better adapted than other groups. That would
also be true of high montane Andean species as well.


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