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  Sauromatum vernosum (Voodoo lily. Syn. S. guttatum) seed (fwd)
From: Don Burns <burns at mobot.org> on 1998.05.18 at 00:03:38(2156)
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 17 May 1998 19:00:08 -0500
To: aroid-owner@mobot.org
From: "maurice m. hinterding" <hinterding at dutch.nl> on 1998.05.18 at 00:09:38(2157)
Hello dear Friends,
as of today I am actively involved into the Aroid scene,my collection
comprehesis quite
From: Doug Burdic <dburdic at presys.com> on 1998.05.18 at 02:03:11(2159)
Hi Judy,

Are the ones you sent me from this batch you're referring to? If so,
mine germinated about 4 months ago and I've got 5 that are doing really
well; So well in fact, that they won't go dormant. I thought that these
seeds were from your own plant, so I'm probably talking about another
Sauromatum seed lot. (?)

Take care,


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