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  Philodendron x Evansii
From: golfstra at cyvox.net.au on 1997.01.21 at 01:32:04(194)
Dear Aroiders
On 9 Jan I put up a posting regarding th parentage of this hybrid. Both
Tom and Eduardo indicated that it was P.bipinnatifidum x P.undulatum,
whilst all the literature that I have shows P.speciosum to be the second
parent.Unfortunately there was no further discussion or reply from Tom or
Eduardo, so I am none the wiser. Any comments guys ?

regards Neil

From: Eduardo Gomes Goncalves <eggon at guarany.cpd.unb.br> on 1997.01.21 at 21:10:02(204)
On Mon, 20 Jan 1997 golfstra@cyvox.net.au wrote:

> On 9 Jan I put up a posting regarding th parentage of this hybrid. Both
> Tom and Eduardo indicated that it was P.bipinnatifidum x P.undulatum,
> whilst all the literature that I have shows P.speciosum to be the second
> parent.Unfortunately there was no further discussion or reply from Tom or
> Eduardo, so I am none the wiser. Any comments guys ?

Dear Neil,

Thanks for your persistence. It was a clear mistake of mine. P. x evansii
really is a hybrid of P.bipinnatifidum X P.speciosum, as you wrote above.
I only could believe that I wrote such wrong information when I checked on
my sent messages! P. x evansii has nothing to do with P. undulatum! I'm
sorry about it. I just can't wonder where my brain was exactly when I
needed it. So here we go again:

Philodendron x evansii
(P. bipinnatifidum Schott ex Endlicher X P. speciosum Schott)

(Now it sounds better!)

Best wishes,


Note: this is a very old post, so no reply function is available.